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"Spursman" - Dr Feller patient


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see my next message below about 2nd ht!




Haven't been on this forum for a while but i thought i would post and show you my 16 month update. I'm from the UK and travelled to New York to see Dr Feller


Well what can i say.... i am delighted with the out come and feel very pleased that i went to see highly skilled Dr Feller.


My donor area wasn't the best and i had to cover a large area. Dr Feller managed to get around 3200 grafts and distributed them in the front third. My growth has been slow, but as they say it's a marathon not a sprint. In the end i got the results i wanted.


It was my first HT and i did allot of research but at the time i was really nervous but as soon as i meet Dr Feller i knew i had come to the right place. He was so comforting and considerate, he must perform so many HT's and it's like second nature to him but i bet he still makes every one of his patients comfortable. He also keeps you informed of what's going on during the op which is also good. His technicians are also very friendly and skilled which is assuring, there very cute to ????? 


I can still remember the day itself and i can't believe it has been 16 months already (time flies) I think the only bit I didn't enjoy was the first few injections but apart from that it was relaxing.


I am booked in for the start of February for my 2nd HT and I can't wait to get more work done. I plan to get my crown filled in and thicken everything up a bit more. I know I am in good hands.


If anyone is thinking of going to Dr Feller then he is one of the best there is around. If not thee best. I can't speak anymore highly of him and his staff and I want to say thank you for giving me some of my hair back as well as added confidence.


I cant wait to go back in Feb.

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  • Senior Member




hi spursman your hair is looking really good .do you have any close up shots so i can see what density dr feller was able to achieve for you.


cant believe the transformation from seeing you in person in london to now,your looking a lot younger now and keep your eye off dr fellers techs, yhey`re mine all of them

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Hi mate


I certainly look younger now. I will be 25 in Jan and before my HT when people used to guess how old i was they would say ages from 27-30. i was 23 then!!


i meet this girl the other day and i told her i was 24 going on 25 and she said, really, i was waiting for "oh you look much older" but she said she thought i was about 22. When i tried to guess her age i said, 24 and she was only 19 icon_smile.gif its much harder to guess a womans age.


i dont have any close up pics at the moment, ill try add some later in the week.


im going back in feb so i might get to his techs before you! icon_wink.gif

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Thanks for coming back and sharing your 16 month results. There is a definite impressive difference from your before pictures looking at the pictures from the front view.


When you get a chance, I'd love to see some pictures at varying angles including a top down view, donor scar, etc.


I am very happy for you for how far you have come.


Best wishes,



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Nice results mte,


am curious to know what was your HT breakdown in 1/2/3/4 hairs/graft

i.e total no of possible hairs and what approx area was the HT.

would be good to see more pics including top and back ( scar ).


anyway good luck in Feb,

all the best



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  • Senior Member

Spurman glad you are happy now lloking good...

Oh yeah by the way alway always guess young on a woman! No matter even if you know she is a little older, you'll be golden with her if you make her feel younger....

You only live once...

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the only thing I hold against you is your name because I am a Chelsea boy myself..hair willcoem through stronger and is a definite improvement. good luck.

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  • 2 months later...
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Ive had my 2nd HT but i didnt know how to create a new one with the same album so had to put it with my first one.




Hello Everyone


I finally had my second hair transplant and it went great. Dr Feller and his staff were brilliant as expected.


I got to the Dr's office and we sat down and discussed our plan. It was decided that he will fill in the bald area (crown) and place more grafts towards the front so that when it grows out it will grow over the current grafts and give and overall coverage at the front. He said I had good laxity which can be good and bad. Good because u can harvest more grafts but bad because it can cause the scar the stretch. He said that shouldn't be the case for me as the first scar was very thin. The Dr said that if it was him he would much rather have good laxity.


We briefly spoke about the world of transplants and I said that he has a very good reputation online and is known to be one of the best. He said he is always striving to be better and that's what makes him good at what he does... even though he is established he wants to make sure that his work is always at the highest level possible. I expected nothing less and we got on with it.


The procedure itself was easier then the first time as I knew the drill. The initial injections sting a bit but after that it were pain free. The day flew by and I received approx 3160 grafts which were more then we hoped. We planned to get 3000 and the good Dr didn't charge me for the extra.


Everything went to plan and Dr Feller was happy with his work and said it was a normal straight forward HT and if I wanted I could get another 2000 grafts in the future.


Now I play the waiting game but I can't wait to see how it turns out.


Thank you Dr Feller & Staff you were excellent!

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Ive had my 2nd HT but i didnt know how to create a new one with the same album so had to put it with my first one.




You can create a new photo album if you'd like by going to "new" and then choosing "photo album". You can find this toward the upper left hand corner of the forum.


Best wishes and happy growth!



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