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Hair Club for Men


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Hello everybody,


I am 29 and have a slow receeding hairline, but otherwise a full head of hair. Despite still a decent hairline, I have let it bother me very much so I have started to research what I can do. From what I am reading, Propecia can help a receeding hairline, even though they drug maker says it won't. The Hair Club for Men says they blend real hair with existing hair and their before/after pics look great. What are your opinions on this and how do they actually accomplish this? Could it help my receeding hairline now and if it gets worse? Thanks!

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Hello everybody,


I am 29 and have a slow receeding hairline, but otherwise a full head of hair. Despite still a decent hairline, I have let it bother me very much so I have started to research what I can do. From what I am reading, Propecia can help a receeding hairline, even though they drug maker says it won't. The Hair Club for Men says they blend real hair with existing hair and their before/after pics look great. What are your opinions on this and how do they actually accomplish this? Could it help my receeding hairline now and if it gets worse? Thanks!

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  • Senior Member



Hairclub seems like overkill for a guy with mild loss, normally they help guys that have no other option. Try Propecia definately, and if you rule out future HT work AND just cant live with your hairline..then see Hairclub.


I would not jump into a hairpiece too soon due to the possibility of accelerated hair loss caused from the adhesive, tapes, friction etc..


Good Luck


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  • Regular Member

dude dont go with hair club for men...a hair system is a pain...and what about when your new chick finds out for the first time, seems it would be uncomfortable....I would rather be receeding, than tape and glue that thing to my head.


take the propecia and later on ie late 30's or so then consider HT's...you have to plan for future hair loss...whats you moms dad's hair like?? that can help you determine what you might look like.


good luck


big it up


6 HT to date.......wish this forum was around in the 90's!

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Go on Propecia for two years and then concider a hair transplant.....at 31 with mild recesion you will would have great results. It looks good that you will have most of your hair for the rest of your life, if you only have a "mild" recesion AT 29. What you are going through is called a "mature" hairline, 85% of men will have this. And it does not mean you are going bald. It just means that your body is getting older. Good-luck.

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Hey man I was in hair club for 3 years and it was a love/hate relationship. They try to say they blend hairs with your own but it's just a hairpiece that's usually taped on (they call it a "matrix"). It really can look very good but if your in the throws of passion with a girl there is a distinct possibility you will be found out. I was lucky, no girl ever found out. I would always just try to keep her from trying to run her hands across my hairline from front to back (if you have enough hair around the matrix it's a little harder to find the seam). You see, it can keep you from getting into a relationship with someone because you're scared they will find out. When I had my hair, I was sought after by alot of girls but could never find one I could get close enough to that I was comfortable revealing my secret, and that really sucked.


What I do now is, since I still have hair left I use Toppik to fill it in. I also got on Propecia last week. I trid the shaving head thing and was 50/50 on it but I really don't want to go that route, hair is better. I'm also looking at HTs, but not until my hairloss stabilizes or stops hopefully. Hope this helps.



Baldness is masculine. Jason Statham would look really gay with hair.



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I started out with Hair Club for Men when my younger girlfriend had said she would like me to have more hair. Personally, hindsight is 20x20, I should not of listened. I ended up going the HCM for her, not me. In all honesty, I did like the change in my looks. But, it also trapped me...


I quit HCM after 1 year and started ordering on the web and doing my own system. I loved the look but I have hated the process. You constantly worry about your look and what others might think.


Because I have this, going to a HT is also a hard transition. It would have been much easier to go from balding to HT then from a full head of hair to HT. Looking back, I wish I would have stayed with my old look and then went to an HT.


I believe everyone should do what they are comfortable with and make there own decisions. I did not and I wish I had.


Dude, you will look good with a system, the question is do you want everything else that goes with it...



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On another thread ("Hair systems Topic: Any luck" to be exact) I mentioned that I had spent several hours at hairsite.com just reading about what rug wearers go through because, I have to admit, I considered going that route myself. Hearing their stories convinced me that a rug was not for me. I suggest you do the same. After you spend time listening to those toupee wearers, I think it might change your mind. I was afraid of what Griswald said above about it being a trap, once you put that thing on it's hard to throw it away without risking all that ridicule. Griswald's experience is giving you alot of wisdom about it being tougher going from rug to HT than balding to HT.



Though I am almost twice your age, we have some things in common. I'm about a 5A and shaved for 4 to 5 years. Though most people said I looked good and that I had a nicely shaped head for that, blah, blah, I fucken hated being bald and I hated the shaving process itself. I was afraid that if went a day or two without a shave people would know I shaved because I was going bald, and not because it looked cool. Anyways, like you, I started finasteride very recently (2 months), and let my hair grow out at the same time. Thanks to the guys on this forum I've looking into FUE and started using TOPPik and Couvre. The stuff actually makes it look like I had 1500 FU's. I especially like couvre. The real secret to this stuff, I think, is just use enough to get by, otherwise it looks stupid. In my case, these products give me an idea of what it may look like after a HT. Btw, as long as one has at least a little bit of hair, even miniaturized, concealers really make toupee's a poor option, don't you think?

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Yeah dude Toppik is the way to go for me right now, it saves the embarassment of being bald to an extent. Even the microfine hairs that you can't see without the stuff add to the overall effect. If you have really thin hair just keep it short and it's virtually undetectable. I think it'll buy me enough time to really decide if I want an HT. It's also easier to track my progress with Propecia (because when you shave bald it's very hard to tell if it's working). And there's no way I'm ready to show my baldness at it's current state without shaving my head or using Toppik.



Baldness is masculine. Jason Statham would look really gay with hair.



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