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Just had HT with Dr. Umar (experience inside)

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Hello everyone,


I literally just got to my hotel room about 20 mins ago and wanted to share my experience with dr. umar.....first some details.


1000 Grafts derived from the nape and back of the head, to refine my hairline. Im 24, been on propecia almost a year and it has stabilized my loss...


I will post my detailed story a bit later, as im still under the influence of the drugs, but ive attatched the pics. You guys are welcome to ask any questions about the procedure and such...




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congratulations hairjordan!!!

did you hear buzzing sounds while being worked on? in other words did dr Umar use electric tool for graft extraction?

looks like decent coverage for only 1000 grafts. i'm looking forward to your progress. do you have any pre-op pics?

once again cograts for taking the plunge.


gotta love that no scar feeling eh and thanks for deciding to share your journey!!!

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Thanks for taking the time to post your photos, especially so soon after surgery! Now that's dedication!


The recipient area looks very clean, but do you mind posting some photos pre-surgery, as 1,000 grafts to cover that area isn't a large amount if you are completely bald there, but if he's simply adding in density, then it should look really good.


I have a question about the 'nape' grafts taken. It's my understanding that these are susceptible to Male Pattern Baldness, so they may thin and not add any true thickness over the long haul. Was this discussed with Dr. Umar, or what did he say about it?


Thanks again for sharing!


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Seeing how low Umar went /w the nape gnaws at me for recently lasering out pretty much that entire region lol.....I'm not too familiar w/ Umar's work; so def look forward to seeing your progress and documentation!


Also, fwiw, I assume an electric tool was used as recently as a month or so ago a patient confirmed this. Jordan can confirm to date.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Yeah, im glad its over. I swear, 2-3 days before the procedure I almost bailed.


1000 grafts were planted to an already strong hairline, so the it was indeed a "thickening procedure, the only place I had recession was at the temples, and as you can see...he filled those in quite nicely. Also that gap between the transplanted hair and native hair is because he buzzed it further back in order to make the procedure go faster...


As to your 2nd question, I can almost guarentee that he did indeed use something electronic, I heard the buzzing sound and I can tell you it was some sort of machine because I caught a few glances, but nothing to decipher exactly what it was. But yes, buzzing sound was heard..and it was indeed a machine. However, he did not use the machine for nape hair, the nape hair area he used some other tool, but no buzzing sound was heard.


M&M- I did discuss the possibility of nape hair falling out later on, he said it doesnt happen to everyone and its embelished too much online. After taking a look at my donor area he said its very doubtful that I will lose my nape hair, so he gave it the okay. The reason he used more nape hair than traditional hair, is because he said my hair characteristics are very thick and it would make the hairline look very un natural...


My dad has all of his nape hair, they are very thick, we also discussed this.


He also said I have good donor density, and since alot of nape hair was used, it should leave me with plenty for future procedures, IF required.


Another note, he checked my body hair, and said i have a high abundance of that, so donor hair in the future should not be an issue.

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Pre Op pics.


I know im gonna get some people saying "your not really balding much, or that it could progress, so let me re-iterate.


been on propecia one year, the worst anyone in my family has gotten (mom and dads side) is my dad who ended up between a nw3-nw4ish....


Propecia has worked, and im ready for future surgeries, if need be. Im 24, and this is my time to look like im in my prime. So dont judge me god damn it! haha...j/k.


Anywhoo heres my pre-op, notice the temples..


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Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. I'm at 2 months out from my procedure with Umar. I will tell you that it is tough b/c you probably will go through the ugly duckling phase - I'm waiting patiently for it to end. Just keep your eye on the goal!



Had 3k With Umar on Feb 16, 2009


My Hair Loss Website

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