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Hair Growth in Crown after HT?

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  • Regular Member

I'd appreciate hearing from people who have had HT procedures that involved moving hair into the crown area. My second HT ( 2,220 on 1-9-06) addressed the mid-scalp and crown (the first procedure being limited to the frontal 1/3, 2,518). My understanding is that the grafts in mid-scalp should start coming in around the 2.5 to 3 month mark (my first procedure started coming in at 2.5 months). The grafts in the crown, however, are likely to take twice that time, i.e. 5 to 6 months.

My regimen is Propecia 1 mg every day, 5% minoxidil to the grafted areas twice a day and MSM 1,500 mg/day.

What has been the experience of the those who have had crown work done? When did your grafts there start coming in? How much delay was this compared to your grafts done in the front and mid-scalp? Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!

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  • Regular Member

I'd appreciate hearing from people who have had HT procedures that involved moving hair into the crown area. My second HT ( 2,220 on 1-9-06) addressed the mid-scalp and crown (the first procedure being limited to the frontal 1/3, 2,518). My understanding is that the grafts in mid-scalp should start coming in around the 2.5 to 3 month mark (my first procedure started coming in at 2.5 months). The grafts in the crown, however, are likely to take twice that time, i.e. 5 to 6 months.

My regimen is Propecia 1 mg every day, 5% minoxidil to the grafted areas twice a day and MSM 1,500 mg/day.

What has been the experience of the those who have had crown work done? When did your grafts there start coming in? How much delay was this compared to your grafts done in the front and mid-scalp? Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!

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It took a while for the crown to start filling in for me. I think around month 5-6 I looked exactly like I did before going in for the procedure. I think things really took off around 7-8 months and noticed the full results by month 11-12.

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  • Regular Member



Thanks for telling me about your experience. Not exactly what I wanted to hear (that it may take 7-8 months rather than 5-6), but it's good for me to realize that this will in fact take quite a bit longer than previous results.

Did you use minoxidil post-op? I do and hope that this might speed things up a bit.

Do any of the HT doctors out there know why results in the crown take longer?

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No I did not use Minox post-op because I hate using it. I have used it in the past and I can't see myself getting hooked to it for the rest of my life. Therefore, I didn't even bother to use it post-op (for faster growth). I was too afraid that if I use it post-op, my native hairs might become dependable on Minox and would have negative impact once I stop using it. But from what I hear, your growth should come in couple of months earlier if you apply it post op on receipint areas.

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I think everyone, very slow,plan on a couple of years, probably blood supply my guess. Ht's are not an immediate gratification kind of thing like sex or buying a new car.

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