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thin layer formed in the transplated area

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hi all

its 2 weeks since i got my transplantation done

their is thin layer formed of brown and white color mixed on the transplanted area(iam indian brown skined so thts the reason it is in brown color) not exactly a layer but if their is a lots of dandruff how it looks it is looking the same way .the doctor told me of this .but how long it will be their. is it common .becos i cant even go out of my house. its looking very odd


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  • Regular Member

hi all

its 2 weeks since i got my transplantation done

their is thin layer formed of brown and white color mixed on the transplanted area(iam indian brown skined so thts the reason it is in brown color) not exactly a layer but if their is a lots of dandruff how it looks it is looking the same way .the doctor told me of this .but how long it will be their. is it common .becos i cant even go out of my house. its looking very odd


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Do you still have any scabs left over at this point or have they all come off at this point? It may just be dry skin which is typical during the first month as the recipient area heals from surgery. Over time, the area will heal and look normal.


Feel free to post some pictures if you'd like us to take a look at it.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

hi Bill

this is another pic can u see the white color .and i have one more question i am losing hair from my donor hair so since the transplanted hair is from donor area what r the possible chances for the newly transplanted hair to grow or not to grow.how much effect will it have .



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  • Regular Member

hi tofueornottofue

thanks for ur reply

i have one more question i am losing hair from my donor hair so since the transplanted hair is from donor area what r the possible chances for the newly transplanted hair to grow or not to grow.how much effect will it have .

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  • Senior Member

You say you are losing hair in the donor area? Hard to say for sure but it may be a bit of donor shock. You shouldn't have anything to worry about in the transplanted area though. As long as you understand the transplanted hairs will shed shortly then you'll be fine. It's normal and they'll grow back in a few months.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Kris, my name also happens to be Kris and I was also born in 1982. Anyway, I had 2 transplants, on at the age of 23 and another at 24. Everything in your picture looks good, I had those same scad like pieces of skin on my head at the 2 week mark so there is nothing to worry about.

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hi jotronic and aquafina

thanks for ur reply i knw tht the transplanted hair will fall down .but i was worried abt donor .

my conern is tht the donor area hair is falling even before i got transplantation but the pace of hair fall in donor area is less. so my question is when they removed the strip i may have hair tht might fall in a month 2 or anything month++ so they have removed the strip and transplanted in recipient area so how if some of the hair falls into tht category will they be falling out.

hia aqua

thanks for ur reply iam a bit happy now

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  • Senior Member

The photo almost looks like a mild seborrheic dermatitis reaction of the skin to the transplant. I see this commonly in patients who have a history of some mild occasional seborrhea (dandruff)in their past, and the transplant procedure kicks it into high gear. The other factor that often plays in this appearance of a whitish layer over the transplanted area is a hesitancy on the patient's part to wash the scalp at all. They will be so afraid of knocking grafts loose that they basically don't wash the scalp at all, and over several days some of the more seborrheic ones will get a layer of "crud" that looks unsightly and smells similarly. We had one patient a few years ago who went a month and a half without washing the scalp and literally had a quarter inch buildup all over the scalp that could be peeled off. Using an anti-seborhheic shampoo and, in more severe cases, the application of a steroid lotion at night I find clears it up nicely.

Mike Beehner, M.D.

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