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Hi People.


I am really sorry to bother you guys , but I just feel very depressed.I need some help. I have been losing hair since I was 18,I am now 28. I have recently started to take Propecia and Minoxdil.I have been on this treatement for about 4 months now.Initially I noticed my hair was falling out quicker , then it stopped considerably and My hair went a bit thicker.Just about two weeks ago , I shaved my hair in the hope that the Minoxidl can reach further down.Sadly I have noticed that since shaving my head , the hair loss has picked up again . I feel very depressed and aweful . Does anyone know whats going on?

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Rahul -


Your name sounds like you're an Indian.


It is expected to shed initially when you start on these 2 medications, but it should not last more than few weeks. Your best bet would be to be on Propecia alone. I have used Rogaine, initially i lost some hair and eventually they all came back with lot more growth, but using Propecia is really pain in ass. And you should not use it unless you're going to be committed to it for the rest of your life. And believe me nobody stays on for very long, eventually everyone gets sick of using it and stops, and then things get worse.


I used rogaine for 2 yrs, it worked wonders. I got lot of growth, but once I stopped using it I lost lots and lots of hair. I looked worse than what I had started with. I regret being on it in first place!! So my suggestions is don't even bother to use it anymore. But definitely continue using Propecia. I have been on Propecia for more than 4 yrs now, and it's holding my existing hair pretty well. And it's easy to take one pill a day for the rest of your life.


Try not to stress about it. Lot of people on this forum have gone thru what you are going thru. I also started losing my hair when I was 18-19. Now I am 24. You have advantage over me that you're at the age where any doc will be willing to perform HT on you.


Do you have pictures you can share? If you post some pictures, lot of guys on this forum will be able to help you out with the appropriate advice.




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Simply because all the quality docs are very hesitated working on young patients because they have more loss on the way, and also on people who are not using any kind of medication to halt the hair loss progression. Lot of docs don't like to work on patients in their early 20s or younger. But I know lot of patients at your age have gone very aggressive and had multiple HTs to get ??full head' of hair.


My suggestion is to be on Propecia for at least a year and see how it works for you. Then you can go to some quality doc for consultation and do as they suggest. Where are you from?



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I am in the exact same boat you are in. I also agree with KG, in that you MUST be committed to the rituals of swallowing propecia and applying minox EVERY SINGLE DAY!


I was taking minox for a while, too, and stopped then the loss seemed to accelerate. I attribute this to the fact that the minox was WORKING and then the hair said, "Hey! Where's the spray?" and figured, oh well, and just dropped out like that.


I started propecia about a month ago and 5% minox again and have, too, experienced a bit of shedding. It looks like it isn't going to come back, but there are a few sprouts that I haven't noticed before that are not very long. I hope they are the fresh upshoots from this new regimine.


I am committed to the process for as long as it takes. I took picuters and will continue to document it monthly for all of us who have not had HT's and are tackling this problem in another way. http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f...6060861/m/3991085951




Regimen: 1 propecia taken in the morning, 3 shots 5% minoxodil twice a day around the hairline, 1% Nizoral several times a week

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Welcome to the forums.


The shedding that you are experiencing is, like the posters that have already replied said, more than likely an initial phase of the medication. Basically, the hairs that were going to fall anyway, did so at an accelerated pace. Keep your chin up, though. This is the norm.


If you are dedicated to applying the minoxidil every day, then I suggest staying on it. You will have to be dedicated to it, though. Upon discontinuing the drug you will lose all of the benefit that it gave you, which can be a real shock. Basically, you have to weigh your options. Do you want the possible maintenance and regrowth advantage that minoxidil can give you or can you just not be bothered with two applications daily? The choice is yours. If your hair loss bothers you as much as it sounds like and you already started the regimen, then it seems plausible to stick with it. That's just my opinion, though. Your mileage may vary.


Remember one thing, though. Keeping hair is always, ALWAYS much easier than replacing it. Even if you do opt for a hair transplant, your limited donor supply will hinder you from replacing the entire area affected by male-pattern baldness.


I also have to disagree with kg007 in that age doesn't make you an excellent candidate for hair restoration surgery. There are many, MANY more factors involved than just age. Just because you are 28 doesn't mean that you are close to the "end" of your hair loss. Yes, most ethical physicians are more hesitant to perform a hair transplant on younger patients, but no ethical physician will perform a procedure on a patient that expects unrealistic results.


My advice: stay on the medication regimen that you are on. That is your best shot at keeping what you have and possibly regrowing some of what you have lost. Do this for around a year or so and if you are considering surgical options, use that time to research physicians, talk to past patients, and learn enough to make an informed decision.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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