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strip effect on donor area

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Quick question..When you leave after an HT..assuming that the surgeon doesnt shave the donor area, Will it be noticeable? If I have it at a number 4 clip, will it hide the sutures? I would have about 10-12 days before going back to work. Also, how long is the strip/scar..does it depend on the amount of grafts needed? Also,im going with Dr. Feller so anyone who has an HT with him...please let me know.

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  • Regular Member

Quick question..When you leave after an HT..assuming that the surgeon doesnt shave the donor area, Will it be noticeable? If I have it at a number 4 clip, will it hide the sutures? I would have about 10-12 days before going back to work. Also, how long is the strip/scar..does it depend on the amount of grafts needed? Also,im going with Dr. Feller so anyone who has an HT with him...please let me know.

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Plan on growing your hair about at least an inch in length so that it can cover over and hide the stapled up donor closure (I think Dr. F gives his patients staples not sutures). Be informed that The doctor will shave some of the donor to faciliate the extraction of the strip. Just to be safe it might not hurt to order concealers such as toppik or dermmatch now so that you'll have them in the event that you experience visible donor area shockloss after 10-12 days post-op.


Strip length depends on session size. Conservatively most people have hair density of around 70 grafts/cm2 and the strip vertical width is commonly between 1 to 1.5 cm so you can figure out roughly the horizontal length of your strip based on how many grafts you will be getting.


Since there is a good chance that you will be getting staples, make sure that you clean the donor thoroughly everyday in the showers by firmly rubbing on the donor closure with your fingers in order to prevent any scabs from forming in that area. Because if you don't, when it's time to take out the staples, it will hurt like you wouldn't believe.

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There are many ways to approach this...however, rp1979 gave you a good answer.


Keep in mind the area of the donor that is shaved is also then removed - therefore you will not see any area that has been shaved. To conceal the sutures, growing your hair at least 1/2 " to an inch will help cover the staples.


Keep in mind that Dr. F does shave the recipient area, therefore having your sides and back of your hair longer with a shaved top will look funny. There is no way around that - unless you are already completely bald up there.


So you will have to decide if you want to look funny that way, or shave your whole head and reveal your scar/staples.


Either way, concealing an HT isn't the easiest thing in the world unless everywhere you go, you can wear a hat.





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hey thanks for the replies...but im only having 12-1500 into my hairline so i dont think he will have to shave the recepient area since there isnt any hair there. If i keep the top long and back at least an inch..i should be ok to cover the hairline..and not look to bad.

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Poker - I too didn't have anything in the recipient area, but Dr. F did shave part of my comb-over (which is gone now) well as a little on the back edge of the recipient area where he must have overlapped a little with my native hair.


My scar was above ear to above ear, but even from the beginning, I couldn't really see it (or the staples) since I did have my hair about 1" long. Basicially, I wore a hat for almost 2 weeks, which by then I was able to comb over from my part to cover the still healing recipient area (lots of hairspray icon_smile.gif). Yes, it was still reddish for a while and probably noticible to someone staring at it. However, a couple of people I asked told me it just looked like I had a slight rash or sunburn (from a vacation).


While each doctor is different, most don't want you using concealers for at least a couple of weeks and I believe Dr. F will tell you a month. While I always felt funny when the hat first came off (I was still pretty red/pink for another month or so), I am estatic about my results so far. I actually have enough hair in the front now, that I had most of my comb-over cut off last week for the first time in a decade and it looks pretty natural...and that's only 5 months post op and 3 months of growing.


BTW, I'm having my 6 month follow-up with Dr. F on Aug 9th at 1:00 and I'd be happy to hang out and answer your questions and let you see the results so far. Just PM me if you wanted to meet before or after.



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jersey..thanks so much for filling me in on exactly what Dr. F does..makes feel a little better about what to expect. Congrats! on your results so far. How long was it before the grafts started to fall out? And how long before the natural hair started to grow back for good?

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Most of my grafts actually hung around for over a month and the first time I saw a bunch of peach fuzz was right after 2 months. Of course, everyone grows differently.


It then slowly but surely started to come in. My right front is coming in longer than the rest (over an inch long on the right) but I'm sure it will even out over time. They hair is curlier than the rest of my hair even though it was pretty straight when it was put it. When I had hair, I did have a wavy hairline, so it seems to have mirrored that for now.


I spoke to Dr. Feller last week and he said more hairs could still come in and the existing ones should thicken. Can't wait until full results are in by the Winter, but I like what I see so far. I'll probably post some updates in a few weeks.

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  • Senior Member

In many strip megassesions it will be required to shave the recipient area. Of course you can leave the donor area long, but you will look like a clown for several weeks.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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Goldstar - I had 2800 grafts on my front 1/3 and another 300 on my temples. Total cost was around $9,500. Dr. Feller posts his prices on his website (fellermedical.com). I think he quoted me a price for the 2500-3000 range, but was able to extract more, but didn't charge me for the extra.



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