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Propecia use, when to start before HT?

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  • Senior Member

I'm in the process of scheduling a 2nd HT after having my 1st about a year ago. I'm thinking of taking Propecia and have a question about the timing.


For starters..........I currently do not take Propecia or any other hair loss pills, nor do I use any topical solutions. I did try Propecia about 5 years ago but stopped taking it after a few months. I don't think I was experiencing side effects as much as I was leary of processing the drug through my body. As I have been reading more and more about Propecia the past month or so, my fear of any potential health issues down the road has diffused so I'm now considering taking it again.


I've read that people taking Propecia experience less shockloss than those that don't which is a positive. I did experience shockloss around my scar the with the 1st HT and almost feel it still may be a little thin here or there. Let's say I start taking Propecia within the next couple of weeks..............and then have my HT not long after that, maybe a month or so. Is there any reason I would want (or need) to wait to have the HT after just starting so soon on Propecia? Any reason I shouldn't start Propecia when planning an HT so soon? Should I start it after the HT?


Another question I have is with respect to obtaining a supply of Propecia. I've looked into Proscar and, for the savings, will probably go with it and cut the pills. I'm aware that I can get a prescription from a physician, but, have seen that it can be ordered online which is easier to do. Has anyone experienced problems ordering online?


I read an article which advised to be leary of ordering it if manufactured in India. Several of the sites I've seen advertise from Canada. I would appreciate an online referral if possible.


Thanks for the advice,





1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

I'm in the process of scheduling a 2nd HT after having my 1st about a year ago. I'm thinking of taking Propecia and have a question about the timing.


For starters..........I currently do not take Propecia or any other hair loss pills, nor do I use any topical solutions. I did try Propecia about 5 years ago but stopped taking it after a few months. I don't think I was experiencing side effects as much as I was leary of processing the drug through my body. As I have been reading more and more about Propecia the past month or so, my fear of any potential health issues down the road has diffused so I'm now considering taking it again.


I've read that people taking Propecia experience less shockloss than those that don't which is a positive. I did experience shockloss around my scar the with the 1st HT and almost feel it still may be a little thin here or there. Let's say I start taking Propecia within the next couple of weeks..............and then have my HT not long after that, maybe a month or so. Is there any reason I would want (or need) to wait to have the HT after just starting so soon on Propecia? Any reason I shouldn't start Propecia when planning an HT so soon? Should I start it after the HT?


Another question I have is with respect to obtaining a supply of Propecia. I've looked into Proscar and, for the savings, will probably go with it and cut the pills. I'm aware that I can get a prescription from a physician, but, have seen that it can be ordered online which is easier to do. Has anyone experienced problems ordering online?


I read an article which advised to be leary of ordering it if manufactured in India. Several of the sites I've seen advertise from Canada. I would appreciate an online referral if possible.


Thanks for the advice,





1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Regular Member

I would begin using Propecia at least three months prior to your transplant. Dr. Bernstein recommends at least three months of Propecia use prior to a transplant.


As far as the shock loss, there was a study that was recently published in Dermatologic Surgery. It was entitled "Effects of Finasteride on Hair Transplant." The conclusion of the study was that daily use of 1 mg. of finasteride (Propecia) from 4 weeks before until 48 weeks after a hair transplant improves the scalp hair surrounding the hair transplant and increases hair density. There was visible increases in the scalp hair surrounding the transplanted hair in 94% of the people taking Propecia. The study is somewhat of a bullshit study in that it doesn't really present anything new. It just confirms what most of us already knew or suspected.

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  • Regular Member

If you are taking Propecia or Dutasteride, it is vitally important that you let your surgeon know.

Certain medications work less effectively when you are on this drug and there could be some contra-indications.

My surgeon requests that you stop taking all medicines for at least 1 week prior to surgery and at least 2 weeks post surgery until the healing process has finished.

This might be overkill and playing it VERY safe but it's worth taking into consideration.

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