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My HT experience(Dr. Path) and the Bangkok journal !


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Hey all !


I had been progressively losing hair for the past decade or so. Three years back I decided on an HT and had more or less fixed up a procedure from Dr Rajput in Bombay when I came across this forum.


This forum made me realize the folly of going in for an HT without proper research and preparation. And research is what I did. In my previous avtar on this forum (called Mav which unfortunately got deactivated because of my long absence from the site in the recent past) I had a series of extended correspondence with several docs and clinics I had shortlisted including Dr. Epstein, SMG, Dr. rahal, Dr. Alexander, H& W.


Most of my queries were taken care of and I had more or less made up my mind to get an HT done when Dr. Path got recommended on the forum. I had been following his work for quite some time and was quite impressed but the only thing keeping me back was his absence from the list of recommended Docs here on the HTN. Being based in India finding a quality Doc in the neighborhood was a dream come true scenario for more reasons than just financial logistics.


I fixed up a date with the Doc for Dec last year but when I started preparing I found out I had just 5 months left before my passport expires and that as we know isnt a good thing at all !! So I had to let go of the date while I took care of the passport business. Luckily for me a cancellation came up on 15 Feb and the clinic offered me the date. I had exactly 6 days to take care of the tickets, the hotel bookings, the wire transfers- in short a mini adventure yet somehow I pulled it off and set out for Bangkok on the 13th.


From the airport I headed straight for the clinic for the pre surgery evaluation but it being a Sat the doc had left by the time I reached. To add to it I had a bad cough and cold situation... The clinic called up the doc with my situation and the good doc prescribed some medications to take care of the cough.


Well then there I was one valentine's day eve.. all alone ..in bangkok and off alochol!! Not a pleasant evening but Patpong relieved some of the 'low' feeling !! I had booked an new hotel called Mirth Sathorn right in the center of all action for that particular evening. The management was quite welcoming and I wd suggest this hotel for anyone looking to stay in Patpong.


Next day I shifted to All Seasons Bangkok Siam Hotel located near the Victory monument as I wanted to be nearer the clinic for the D Day ! The hotel was a mistake as it was quite bleak- clean and all but in a very functional kind of way... not a place one wd wanna be in alone after a surgery.


15th morning arrived and after a light breakfast I hailed a cab as I wasnt quite up for the Sky train that morning. Inspite of the traffic I was at the clinic in half an hour- right in time for the formalities to be completed. The bank where one can cash the traveler's cheque is in the same building as the clinic- an elevator ride down so thats hardly a problem.


Dr Path has a way of making one comfortable and the moment i met him for the first time I knew I had made the right decision. We finalized a hairline for me- choosing a pointed appearance in place of a round look and thats when the medications started taking over. As i dozed off the surgery flew by as if a dream... and it did feel like a dream with a massage thrown in for good measure!


After a painless surgery stretching for around 7 hours the clinic got me a cab and as I was still not too coherent and 'high' explained the hotel directions to the driver. That night was a little uncmftbl as the painkillers wore off but I did manage a good night's sleep.


The next day I went over to the clinic for the removal of the bandage and the first hair wash. Pain was mostly non existent and I went for a long walk later in the evening. Next day I shifted to Radisson as I had had enough of the depressing bare walls of the Siam hotel. I went over to the clinic for a wash for the first few days as I didnt want to accidentally dislodge a graft or two.


Three days after the surgery I was okayed for Beer and thats when it was " Hello Bangkok" !! icon_smile.gif The surgery well concealed in a Bandana I hit the town and how !!


Suffice to say it felt like a vacation and one which wd chnage my life for the better what with having new babies sprouting off my scalp in a few months down the line. I can assure anyone contemplating an HT that the hardest part abt the surgery is finalizing the Doc but once you do that relax and let the doc do his job.


And for anyone thinking of going in for an HT by Dr path.. rest assured you wdnt regret the decision.... and as a bonus you wd love Bangkok !


Cheers !

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mav! hi again! my surgery is scheduled in end may and i am glad to be corresponding with yet another happy patient of dr Pat


Is the procedure really that painless? Also, i thought the hairline will be decided a day prior to surgery?

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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Hey wb !


The procedure is 'more or less' painless. One is sedated so the surgery gets over before you even realize it. Discomfort wd sure be there for the initial few days but I wdnt be worried abt the pain.


Yes ideally the hairline is decided a day prior to the surgery but in my case it was a short notice and I cdnt reach Bangkok earlier to when I did. My surgery was due on a Monday but as Sundays are off and on sat the clinic closes down by noon I cdnt meet the Doc before the surgery day.

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I see! No wonder, as Dr Oravan told me that Dr Pat will meet me one day earlier to decide on the hairline.


Anyway nice and neat work done... actually i feel my hair loss is similar to urs, esp the frontal region.


Did he shave anything? Also, did u ever considered doing FUE? I was actually quite insistent in doing FUE but Dr Pat made it very clear he is no longer practising that...

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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The donor area was shaved if I remember correctly as also the recipient area but as I had grown my hair long it was quite easy to hide the signs of surgery.


FUE I gave a serious thought but I might require more HTs in the future if the hair loss gets worse esp around the crown area. To deal with that scenario I decided to have FUT and leave the FUE for the last when it wdnt be feasible to extract another strip. I dont think the scar wd be too visible esp as I seldom crop my hair that short..

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hi mav. but if he shaves off from ur recipient area, nonetheless i think the incisions will still be pretty obvious rite? esp if ur hair is curly...


i was hoping he does not shave anything as i feel it will be hard to cover...


any pics fellow HT brother? as in with ur hair covering up the incisions. a picture speaks a thousand words! thanks!!!!!

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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wow! nice! i think u seriously pulled it off but alas! i dun ve wavy hair and if i leave it real long, it will look v flat as my frontal region is quite sparse now...


How abt the scar? Mind sharing some pics?

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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Thanks wb! Yeah no one that I met socially cd make out that I had an HT done.


Unfortunately I dont have any pics of the scar. I wd ask the clinic if they have some pics and if they do I wd upload one here. The scar however is quite invisible already so am quite happy as far as the concealment part of the surgery goes.

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By unnoticeable I meant I cd have a haircut without the guy asking me anything uncomfortable. It might still be there if one looks closely enough but the ridge like protrusion has flattened and things seem to be blending in.


One of these days I wd have someone click a snap...

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  • Senior Member

hi mav! yah of cos its not 'invisible' but at least thin enuff not to get noticed even with short hair!


i am so thrilled everything worked out for u! hope mine will be fine too... i am having a similar hair loss pattern as u... more of frontal and slight crown...


anyway ya do snap a picture as u know a pic speaks a thousand words!

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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