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  • Regular Member

I just had a HT last week. I was told that I should start using rogaine a week after the procedure(I never used rogaine before but was told that it would help minimize hair loss from shock and that my transplanted hair will come in faster.) I have also seen many doctors recommed not using rogaine for weeks after a procedure because it can irritate the scalp and cause more hair loss. So I guess i'm not understanding the pros and cons of rogaine after a procedure. Since my graft area is scab free but still red, common sense tells me that I would be more apt to irritate the area more and possibly scar the area making the transplant more noticeable by leaving more scarring. Does anyone have any advice on this?

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  • Senior Member

Was it your doctor who told you to start a week after?


Personally, I started about two or three weeks after my ht and didn't have any shock-loss. I don't know how much that had to do with it, but that has been my experience. I use the foam, which you can get at Walmart for $48 for three month supply.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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wow, my scabs were almost gone by day 7 and I was told to soak and gently massage the remaining ones off on the 7th day which I did. This was my forth tp with Dr Phillips at Bosley. I now how this board feels about Bosley but I had three good procedures with the Dr. Phillips and wanted to get one more in before he retires in Jan. I have actually had good luck with him on my last three but this time i'm a bit more concerned. The first three procedures were abotu 600 grafts and were all behind my hairline(so even if the work was not perfect it was really impossible to detect.) This time I had 1400 grafts. He brought my entire hairline forward including the temples and sideburns. I'm afraid this will be very easy to detect. This is day 11 and things look good except my temples and sideburns still a little red. Before we start trashing Bosley I agree they have some unethical practices in general but Dr. Phillips in Boston has always been good with me and I have had excellent results. I'm only now concerend about the fact that this will be the first time my hairline will "all" grafts. Also, not one person has had anything good to say about Bosley. Three, I can't go back now and can just hope it works out. I really just want to know if using rogaine will just help the hair grow in faster by minimizing shock. I was under the impression that using rogaine would just simply get me my results faster. If I don't use rogaine I will still end up with the same results from my procedue but Rogaine would have sped up the process.

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ps.........I used avodart from Jan of 03 to about six months ago. I stopped because I did not see any results. I did notice after about month six my crown, mid scalp, and even frontal hairline and temples were receding a bit. I could tell from pics taken a year ago but could also see that the skin on my hairline was a ligher color. I just started avodart .5 every other day and hope this will help. I don't know if I want to use rogaine as well. I really hope this info helps because I did use Avodart .5 per day for five years. My experience was that it did not grow any hair but I did not get anymore loss in the five year period. It even held my hairline. After six months of stopping. My hairline did go back and even the doctor said my hair was thinner on the crown and mid scalp area. I never even noticed until he held the mirror over my head. My message is that Avodart is powerful stuff and even if you're not seeing results, I would monitor yourself closely for hair loss after stopping it. Keep in mind that do to it's extremly long half life you may not notice any hair loss for several months after discontinuing it. With Proscar/Propeica you would probably start noticing shedding within a month or two.

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