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Hello, I'm only 23 years old but seeing a lot of hair loss/thinning. Although it has been thinning for a lil time, the whole thing has been very sudden for me. I used to have too much hair...


I spoke to my parents and they assured me that our families did not suffer from early hairloss. I know that my dad has thin hair but like him and his brothers they did not start "shedding" untill in their middle years. MY mothers side has absolutely no problem.


I'm going to see a dermatologists soon, but I was wondering if anyone here has known reasons for hairloss other than genetics???


Thank you.

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Hello, I'm only 23 years old but seeing a lot of hair loss/thinning. Although it has been thinning for a lil time, the whole thing has been very sudden for me. I used to have too much hair...


I spoke to my parents and they assured me that our families did not suffer from early hairloss. I know that my dad has thin hair but like him and his brothers they did not start "shedding" untill in their middle years. MY mothers side has absolutely no problem.


I'm going to see a dermatologists soon, but I was wondering if anyone here has known reasons for hairloss other than genetics???


Thank you.

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640x480, welcome,

There are may reasons for hairloss in men the most common being androgenetic hairloss ( male pattern baldness ) but as you mentioned you have no family history of this.


Telogen effluvium refers to loss of scalp hair caused by synchronicity of hair cycle so that many hairs enter the resting or telogen phase at once. At the end of this resting phase, usually several months after the inciting event, a significant increase in hair shedding is noticed.

Many Prescription drugs can trigger this.


There are many other conditions that can promote hairloss.


At this point don't panic, see your dermatologist & go from there.


Good luck,

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I think I might actually have some clue what your're saying, thinking back to some biology classes that is...


I've been taking precautions just in case such as eating a much more varied diet and taking a daily vitamin supplement.


I'm not sure if I should stop lifting, I havn't been doing it long, I'm actually a begginer lifter but I heard that the testosterone levels can further the hairloss(?)

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Testosterone is a funny thing.


To much makes you loose your hair but gives you a great sex drive & a healthy package!


Not enough & your a dud in the sex department but you have a great head of hair!


I don't know if it actually works that way but it kinda makes sense.


I don't think that weight lifting is going to cause you to loose hair.

Heck look at schwarzeneger & Lou farrigno (the incredible hulk), both

still have a decent head of hair!

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Question on Telogen effluvium:


Is this a symptom that effects the whole scalp and not just the top of the head? I don't believe I notice significant thinning or loss on other areas...


I can't really remember physio changes that would have caused Telogen effluvium, I mean I have been lacking consistant good sleep and rounded nutrition but that is the case for many college students.


I tried the self test where u pinch some hair and pull to see how much comes out and the 4-5 number meets Telogen effluvium but it could also be the the same case for MPB i've read...


Boy, don't want to sound immature..I'm sure many of you have already gone through this kind of stress already...but it's quite challenging to keep a positive attitude.

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I personally think weight lifting is good for your hair because it releases HGH which more than offsets the increase in testosterone. Since I've been lifting weights the last year and a half my hair has been growing in areas where there hasn't been any in years in the temples. Not a lot. Just a few hairs, but that's more than I've had.


It's not the lifting weights that's bad it's the supplements and steroids and stuff that people take. Stay way from all of that. I just lift weights and don't take any of the crap that's supposed to build muscles. those are the things that make your hair fall out.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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I tried the self test where u pinch some hair and pull to see how much comes out and the 4-5 number meets Telogen effluvium but it could also be the the same case for MPB i've read...



The hair pull test is a complete waste of time. It doesn't tell you anything. As you already said you still don't know if it's just MPB or something else.


Worse than that it doesn't even tell you if your hair is falling out or not. Here's an example:

1. Do a hair pull test before you take a shower. You'll probably pull a few hairs.


2. Now take a shower and shampoo your hair really good. Then dry your hair with a towel and try a hair pull test again. You probably won't get any hairs because all the loose ones came out while shampooing and drying your hair.


So if you see a dermatologist just after you shower and go there he'll tell you that you're not losing hair. If you go at the end of the day, he'll probably tug a few hairs out and give you a different answer.


The only time it "works" is if you're losing so much hair so rapidly that it's obviously falling out because of something other than MPB, but then you didn't need a hair pull test to tell you that either.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Welcome to our community.


Starting with seeing a dermatologist is a good idea.


Most likely, it is Androgenetic Alopecia (aka: Male Pattern Baldness), but like folica said, it could be Telogen Effluvium or another medical condition. And Telogen Effluvium can affect the entire head including the donor area (sides and back of your head).


Just because there isn't a strong history of early hair loss in your family doesn't mean it can't happen to you.


I wouldn't put much merit in the hair pull test - however, looking for miniaturized hairs (someone trained would have to do this) could give you an indication of whether or not it's MPB.


I hope this helps.



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