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Does this work????

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  • Senior Member

Yes of course you're right kamin, you can't get a graft in by wishin' and hopin', so if there's no surgery, they're either growing it, or dropping something on your head.


If they're growing it and they're not using minox or propecia, they're in the land of beads and rattles.


max, you're a lucky guy, because you've stumbled onto a hair loss forum that knows what its talking about. Stick around, learn, ask more questions, and you will get the straight story.


Go through various threads by random, and then use the search button above to focus in. Your questions will become more pointed.


There is something you can do about your hair, but you need to stay away from suede-shoe hustlers that promise more and deliver less.


Good Luck,


mark h

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Thank you both of you for your replies.

Well Mark I tend to do my research before I act.

Fortunatly I found this forum and great feedbacks.


Mark you mention "growing it"

If you have time could you please tell me more about that and why it is not going to work.


Thank you in advance!

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  • Senior Member

Hi Max, I didn't say you couldn't grow it, I just said there are only two ways known to science: Minoxidil solution, and Propecia medication.


Both work through separate, but possibly complimentary ways to grow hair. Anything else you hear about is outside the bounds of science.


A Hair Transplant (HT) is the surgical method to redistribute existing hair to provide increased coverage and to the extent possible the illusion of fullness. There are a variety of methods, but one method, Ultra Refined Follicular Transplantation is the most sophisticated. Only a small handful of doctors can do it, and only a smaller cadre can do it well.


To find those doctors you need to search, research, check, and recheck. The doctors that belong to the coalition on this site are considered among the best on Earth, its as simple as that.


I am of the opinion, that in the case of an HT, only the best doctors will do. 2nd rate isn't good enough, this is part science, part art, part doctor, and part field-hand stuff. Its difficult, expensive, and time consuming. There's no room for compromise.



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Most likely a system of multiple graduated density hairpieces. They start you out with a very thin piece and then after a period of time they add more hair until you end up with your desired density. In this way you don't go from bald to dense overnight.

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