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5 months post op and very little growth


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I am now 5 months post porcedure of 2,200 follicular units. I have experienced very little regowth, perhaps only around 20% with no density at all. The hairs that have regrown are extremely sparsely apart, about 1/4 inch in length but are becoming darker each week. In addition, I experienced so much shock loss in the recipeint area that I am actually in a worse position than prior to the surgery. (The hair in the recipient area was weak, in the process of becoming depigmented, and generally miniturized). Of note, I am still experiencing continued loss of these hairs.


I keep telling myself to be patient, but I can't hide my dissappointment. Is it still too early to be overly concerned? I would appreciate any opinion(s) from the doctors. Is it possible that I am a slow responder, and that the expected growth could begin sprouting up soon? If not, what could have possibly gone wrong? I followed all instructions to the letter. I do smoke and take heart medications and wonder if these could be a factor.


The past few weeks I have experienced some intermittent itching and 2 or 3 bumps indicating ingrown hairs. This has not been too bothersome and has been inconsistent. I have assumed that this is a positive sign, but I still do not see or feel any new growth.


Thanks for any comments and/or encouragement.

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I am now 5 months post porcedure of 2,200 follicular units. I have experienced very little regowth, perhaps only around 20% with no density at all. The hairs that have regrown are extremely sparsely apart, about 1/4 inch in length but are becoming darker each week. In addition, I experienced so much shock loss in the recipeint area that I am actually in a worse position than prior to the surgery. (The hair in the recipient area was weak, in the process of becoming depigmented, and generally miniturized). Of note, I am still experiencing continued loss of these hairs.


I keep telling myself to be patient, but I can't hide my dissappointment. Is it still too early to be overly concerned? I would appreciate any opinion(s) from the doctors. Is it possible that I am a slow responder, and that the expected growth could begin sprouting up soon? If not, what could have possibly gone wrong? I followed all instructions to the letter. I do smoke and take heart medications and wonder if these could be a factor.


The past few weeks I have experienced some intermittent itching and 2 or 3 bumps indicating ingrown hairs. This has not been too bothersome and has been inconsistent. I have assumed that this is a positive sign, but I still do not see or feel any new growth.


Thanks for any comments and/or encouragement.

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I am in the same boat as you. I had a transplant done on 09-09-02 (2100 grafts) and as of now no new growth is noted. Sometimes it is just a situation where you have to wait and see.

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Well I'm 3 month's postup and have alot of new growth, However everytime I wash my hair I have alot of shedding. I am on propecia and wonder if that's what is causing it, Prior to my HT I had very little hair loss while bathing.




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I know that it can be very discouraging for a patient to experience shock loss and apparently lack of growth.


5 months is too soon to judge. Sometimes we don't see the full results for a year or more.


The fact that you smoke and take various medications may play a role in delayed growth and possibly diminished growth but again it is too soon to tell.


I would suggest considering using Rogaine and Propecia.


Things will probably be fine. Try to be patient and discuss the situation with your physcician.

Paul T. Rose, MD, JD

President ISHRS

Board of Trustees ISCLS


Dr. Paul Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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