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Dermmatch ??

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I just purchased dermmatch in order to conceal my donar scar. After applying it per the directions, I noticed that even after 30 minutes of drying, it still flaked off when I rean my hand through my hair. According to the directions, this is not supposed to happen. Ive read older threads that say how to apply, but I cant seem to keep the stuff from coming off. The last thing I need is for this stuff to be running down my back on a hot summer day. Im in need of help!!!!

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  • Regular Member

how long is your hair where the donor scar is?


Mine is around a 4, but the doctor trimmed the area a little bit surrounding the donor area to determine the density. I just told friends at work that I tried cutting my own hair but screwed it up, hence the line they see ever so slightly. After a few weeks, people will forget, your hair will have grown out longer, and no one will be able to tell come next haircut. In the mean time, i'd just put it out of your mind.


However, if your bent on concealing it with dermmatch, i'm sure someone here will have some help for ya!

Anything worth doing is never easy

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  • Regular Member

My hair was at a #3 at time of surgery. Im at 2 weeks and the scar is really noticeable. Just wanted to know if the concealer is supposed to come off after application. I know as time goes by the scar will be less noticeable, but right now, it looks bad.

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  • Regular Member

Hairtoday is right. Dermatch is meant to darken the scalp to mask the contrast between your hair & scalp. The Dermatch that's applied to the hair plays a role, but it's the darkening of the scalp that does the concealing!

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