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23 and curious

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I believe My hair started thinning around 19 or 20, but only in the last 2 years did it really pick up and I started noticing it. Now everyone can notice it. I have the typical Dr Phil balding going on. I'd say the entire top (front hairline right back to the crown) has thinned to about 50% or something easily noticible, but I still have hair there. It definitely grows slower than the side and back hair on my head. I have EXTREME confidence issues when it comes to my hair now... I generally always wear a hat. I've been using Propecia 1mg for about 6 months now, I guess it's stopping the hairloss, though not reversing it. I'm also using Anapharm shampoo every other day to supposedly stimulate new hair growth. I dunno, at this rate, being only 23, I was not looking to simply stop the thinning, but get hair back. Now I'm pretty much left thinking about 2 options. Either acupuncture, or a hair transplant. I guess I'm curious to see what people think about both options, and the success rates. I'd love to be able to shove some styling putty in my hair again some day :P. I also keep my hair short right now, like #1 or #2 on the shaver, get it cut every 2 weeks. I'm a snob when it comes to my hair, which is lacking, lol.

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I believe My hair started thinning around 19 or 20, but only in the last 2 years did it really pick up and I started noticing it. Now everyone can notice it. I have the typical Dr Phil balding going on. I'd say the entire top (front hairline right back to the crown) has thinned to about 50% or something easily noticible, but I still have hair there. It definitely grows slower than the side and back hair on my head. I have EXTREME confidence issues when it comes to my hair now... I generally always wear a hat. I've been using Propecia 1mg for about 6 months now, I guess it's stopping the hairloss, though not reversing it. I'm also using Anapharm shampoo every other day to supposedly stimulate new hair growth. I dunno, at this rate, being only 23, I was not looking to simply stop the thinning, but get hair back. Now I'm pretty much left thinking about 2 options. Either acupuncture, or a hair transplant. I guess I'm curious to see what people think about both options, and the success rates. I'd love to be able to shove some styling putty in my hair again some day :P. I also keep my hair short right now, like #1 or #2 on the shaver, get it cut every 2 weeks. I'm a snob when it comes to my hair, which is lacking, lol.

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Welcome to the HTN!!

Although there are treatments in acupuncture that address the energy systems related to hair growth, I have seen no credible evidence that acupuncture alone can regrow lost or thinning hair. Acupuncture, in as much as it contributes to overall health and balance, can help to keep your scalp/hair healthy in general however.

Good choice utilizing the medical options (Propecia)- this certainly will help in slowing or halting the process.

Perhaps you could upload some photos so the members of the forum may help you better.


Timothy Carman, MD

Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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Ya, I'll upload a photo or two.


But if you have the HT, what are you restricted from doing soon after? Is there a period you cant go out to work, can't wear a hat, etc.? How long will it be visible that something has irritated your head?

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It depends on how much "native" hair you have. I had mine done on Thursday and I was back in my office on Monday. Had I not had some old "plugs" removed in my hairline, I wouldn't

have even thought it was noticeable. With that done, I tried to lay low for the week until the large holes in the hairline healed up.


However, some dr.'s shave the 'recipient' area so if that's a huge issue for you I'd take that into consideration.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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