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Required to shave head when getting HT?

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I had a HT about eight years ago and will need another shortly. I have been researching doctors and have followed this board for six months. I think Hasson & Wong will be my choice, although I have not contacted them or made an appointment for consultation yet. I notice Hasson & Wong always shave the head before performing the HT. Does H&W require you to shave your head? I am thin in the front but have enough to cover the HT and don't want my head shaved. Any comments would be helpful.


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I had a HT about eight years ago and will need another shortly. I have been researching doctors and have followed this board for six months. I think Hasson & Wong will be my choice, although I have not contacted them or made an appointment for consultation yet. I notice Hasson & Wong always shave the head before performing the HT. Does H&W require you to shave your head? I am thin in the front but have enough to cover the HT and don't want my head shaved. Any comments would be helpful.


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I don't think its required that everyone has to shave their head. It depends on what you are getting done and the hair that you have. For certain procedures it is just easier for the doctor and helps guaranttee a better job. A 9 month chronology of a Berstein patient was recently posted by Pat. As you can see none of this patient's hair was shaved. Your consultaion will reveal what would be the optimum process for you.

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A main reason docs shave the recipient site is to make the procedure easier for them and to see more clearly what they need to do as far as graft placement. H&W probably does it because of the huge procedures they do and the time they save by not having to constantly move the hair around to place grafts. Also with all the dense packing docs are doing it is just plain easier for them. I say the easier it is for the doc and the better job they can do when they don't have to work around long hair the better. I can understand if you're just getting a touch up job on the temples but if you are doing a larger session over more area I can see why it would be in the docs best interest to see exactly what he's working with and not have to work around hair. I know my doc will shave the recipient site only if it's ok with you just because it makes things easier for him. I said do it and was happy he did

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Thanks for posting Dr. H's info regarding hair shaving.




You need to not shave your head before you arrive for surgery. You need to let the doc do this as he will only shave the areas that the grafts are going into. The back and sides needs to be long enough to hide the staples during your initial post-op healing period. Once the staples come out, you can shave the back and sides of your scalp to match or blend in with the top.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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