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a question about my hair....with pic

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Hello everyone....

I've always been unhappy with my hair...at least the front anyway. I don't want anything drastic, I just want the front part a little fuller. This thin area makes me look older than I am. My thin hair is genetic as my mom is the same as me and my father was bald. I know that I will never have naturally full hair so I'm researching HT.

My question is...can I do HT to fill in the top front part? Around how much would something like this cost? Any opinions??

Thank you in advance...I really appreciate any responses!! icon_smile.gif




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Hello everyone....

I've always been unhappy with my hair...at least the front anyway. I don't want anything drastic, I just want the front part a little fuller. This thin area makes me look older than I am. My thin hair is genetic as my mom is the same as me and my father was bald. I know that I will never have naturally full hair so I'm researching HT.

My question is...can I do HT to fill in the top front part? Around how much would something like this cost? Any opinions??

Thank you in advance...I really appreciate any responses!! icon_smile.gif




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  • Senior Member

Hi Sandy,


Welcome to the forums! To answer your questions, well, female hairloss is a bit different from male in that it doesn't follow the same pattern so there can be no guaranteed supply of hair that won't fall out. I don't know enough about the topic to be able to say more than that, but I would definitely speak with one of the surgeons listed on this site. These folks are very good and will not bs you just to get your money.


When consulting with a doc, remember to see mor than one to get a few different opinions!


As far as cost goes, these things usually run $4-5 per graft for the first 2,000 and $2-2.5 for each one after that (so, 3,000 grafts would run $10,000 to $12,000). Having said that, if you just want to work on your hairline a bit, you would only need around 1,000 grafts or so which would come out under $5,000.


I'm sure other posters with more info will add details & opinions icon_wink.gif

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  • Senior Member

hi sandy,


i just want to put some input that you said your thinning hair in front makes you look "older"


without even seeing 80% of your face you look far from the older look...


your skin complection is smooth, no wrinkles, soft eyebrow hairs, you easily look 20-22, and thats taking into account that i see the thinning hair.


just want to say that yes possibly you have one bad part about you (thinning hair loss in front) but you probobly have more positive attributes, and maybe you should think about those than the negatives =)


remember one negative and a bunch of positives = positive=??? lmao is that even a quote?

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  • Regular Member

Hi Sandy!!


I'm also thin in the front and center (among other hair problems), and I know how aggravating that can be for a woman. Are you thinning anywhere else, or is it just the front hairline? Many of the coaltion docs listed on this site offer online consulations...it might be worth a try to contact one or two and see what they have to say. You have an awesome complexion by the way!!! icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member

Hey SandyG,


Are you saying that you believe that you have inherited genetic hairloss, or do you feel that your hair has just always been a little thin? When you say that you think it runs in your family (female hairloss), do you mean actual marked thinning/balding or just hair that you perceive to be a little thin by nature? In the latter case, Youngguy might be right in that you may be able to get the results in just one smaller session if actual thinning is not the problem and future loss is not in store for you. I can see what you mean in the picture, but rest assured you do not look like a woman losing her hair, maybe just one who doesn't have uber-thick hair in the front. Not to tell you that you can't have your reasons for wanting it thicker there, but definitely don't worry about looking like a woman with overall thinning hair. The orientation of the hairs on an individual's head also affects how it looks under certain lighting conditions, and I've noticed that digital cameras for some reason (perhaps the intense flash) make most people's hair appear a little thinner than it is. A doctor should be able to assess the situation for you, and determine whether or not you actually have lost hair vs. your hair naturally being a little thin in the front. But this is a not so uncommon procedure for women to have nowadays, and it acually seems like you guys have better results than the men, as I don't recall seeing too many shabby women's hair transplant pics vs. a ton of casualties on our end (although I'm very happy with my results!) And yes, hair can be successfully planted in the front and hairline (that's where mine was done), and doctors actually seem less hesitant to restore this area for women as most women are expected to maintain their hairline througout their lives. The basic argument for men conservatively approaching the hairline is that it is assumed that we will experience future loss, thus creating an unatural appearance if the hairline is placed too low, with dense coverage in the front and thinning continuing in other areas. But I don't see why that would be a concern with women, unless again it is patterned hair LOSS and not just naturally thinner in one area. And with any doctor, even if it's just a dermatologist to start, make sure he/she has top experience. My dermatologist was shady and a dick, yet my ht surgeon was extremely friendly, honest, warm, and confident, with the resume to back it. Good Luck! icon_wink.gif



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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  • Senior Member

Hi Sandy,


I'm with some of the others on this in saying it really doesn't look bad and I don't know that it makes you look older icon_smile.gif. However, if it bothers you and you want to do something about it, you may be able to. As was said, Female hair loss can be different than Male loss so I would advise you to select a few surgeons from our Coalition list and do some consulting. If you're just wanting to thicken the hairline, you won't need many grafts................I'd guess even as little as 500-1000 would make a dramatic improvement.


YoungGuy was spot on with his cost estimate so use that as a guide. Also, if you do end up having HT work done, if you're willing to take a cancelled appointment sometimes you can get a further discount.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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