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cost of natural hair transplant


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Well lets see this is the first post that im aqtually trying to answer a question but lets see how it goes


it seems like you are consider your "first" hair transplant.

and alot of advice i have seen given is that

Traveling for a hair transplant SHOULD NOT be a problem.

this is because

physicians in Pakistan will probobly be using old tecniques *eventhough i see pat(owner of this site?) is trying to put a pakistanian psyicians to the coalition but am not 100% familiar with the thing.


bottom line is consider traveling since a HT is a long life result.


and about the price i guess it depends on the surgeon. i see a majority of people paying from i guess 3-5$ a graft

what i suggest you do is go to the coalition list given through this site and go to each surgeon's site and see how much they charge per graft.


again this is my first helping topic, i know i didnt do the best job(but i do know what im talking about i think?), i guess i used this topic to try to get used to it.

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tisab has given you some good advice (tisab...well done). One couldn't say there are NO qualified physicians in pakistan, but there just aren't any well known physicians there at this point, at least, none that we know of that use the latest technologies and meet the high standards described here: http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...ership-standards.asp.


Consider traveling to see a well known respected doctor in the field who has yielded positive and consistent results over time. Otherwise, it may be more difficult to really know for sure whether a doctor really meets the standards of today's technologies in hair transplantation.



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