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Can a transplant be the answer ?

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I'm 25, still with a full head of hair (the scalp shows THROUGH the hair, but I as of yet do NOT have any bald spots, aside from the temples recedeing a bit) - my lose is diffused through out the entire top of my scalp.


My regimin is 5% minioxidil, Spiro, and a laser comb.


I do not have any problems with a good hair transplant, and I DO have good donor hair... my question is this, since im losing my ENTIRE top of the scalp, will a hair transpant have enough to work with to cover that ? I do have a good donor supply (as per Dr. Feller), and I also do not want to take Propecia.. however Dr Feller also told me that HE had a HT and does not take any pills, so it's do-able....


So do you gus think I could get good results with an HT covering my entire scalp ?


thankk in advance !

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I'm 25, still with a full head of hair (the scalp shows THROUGH the hair, but I as of yet do NOT have any bald spots, aside from the temples recedeing a bit) - my lose is diffused through out the entire top of my scalp.


My regimin is 5% minioxidil, Spiro, and a laser comb.


I do not have any problems with a good hair transplant, and I DO have good donor hair... my question is this, since im losing my ENTIRE top of the scalp, will a hair transpant have enough to work with to cover that ? I do have a good donor supply (as per Dr. Feller), and I also do not want to take Propecia.. however Dr Feller also told me that HE had a HT and does not take any pills, so it's do-able....


So do you gus think I could get good results with an HT covering my entire scalp ?


thankk in advance !

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  • Senior Member

One thing to note is that several Doctors in this field get "transplants".Most did'nt need them as a remedy or to pevent hairloss.It is a sales tool. Also some organisations require that a physician perform on one of his peers as a prerequisit to admission.I find the apples and oranges statement of "I had a hairtransplant and don't use propecia" disturbing.Especially to a 25 year old with a full head of hair and some diffuse thinning.Please check out a site called hairtransplant lawsuits and check the links.It is hard to tell when a Doctor is misleading you in the hairtransplant industry but there is a way to tell, there lips will move.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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  • Senior Member

The term good donor hair can be misleading as no one has enough donor hair to cover a balding NW 5-6. Thinking good donor hair will give you hope that you never appear bald. Really thick hair like mine looks unnatural transplanted as most men have thin hair on top and thick on the sides.


Good luck.

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  • Senior Member

It's not smart to just let all your hair fall out, and expect a hair transplant will replace everything. It doesn't work like that. For one thing, there isn't enough donor hair to cover your whole head, with anything close to real density. A smart approach is to try to conserve the hair you still have. Transplanted hair never looks as natural as your original hair (well maybe there is a rare exception, but that is not the rule of thumb). Transplants can't replicate the density of your original hair, unless you are talking about a VERY LIMITED area.


If you can maintain your hair as it is now, that would be ideal. The more hair you can keep, the better a transplant would look. Although on the other hand, the more hair you still have, the greater you need to be concerned about shock loss. The ideal situation is that your prevention regimine works so well, that you don't have to resort to a transplant ever. That does happen occasionally.


I'm not sure why you would rule out Propecia, but still use Minoxidil. There are health risks that go along with any of the (useful) treatments (even the so-called 'natural ones'.)


Just because Dr Feller does something, doesn't mean you should do it too. Everyone's hair loss is different. If you were 40 or 50 years old and only had minor frontal recession, there would be less at stake, for a guy who doesn't want to take Propecia. You have all-over thinning at a fairly young age, which is a sign that you could lose everything, if your prevention regimine doesn't work (or only works to a certain extent).

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It all comes down to how much exsisting hair you have.As Arfy said it will not cover completely your scalp if you are a norwood 6 for instance.It also depends on certian people if there hair is darker then others,the texture of the hair etc.There are many factors to consider when transplanting hair.



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