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Propecia and the Kidney

Tibs McNab

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Hi Everyone


Just registered and my first time posting on here. I have used proscar for 5 year and dutasteride with it for the last year. However, I was diagnosed with mild Chronic kidney disease at the start of this year (nothing to do with proscar and dutast as far as I know) and was advised to stop all medication, saw palmetto and vitamins etc etc. 8 months down the line and my hair is visibly getting worse by the day. I have read that stopping proscar (or Propecia) causes any hair loss you have prevented to suddenly catch up. This seems to be happening to me. Every day, my hair gets harder to style and I even have to use Nanogen now. Has anyone had the same problem? Does anyone know if Propecia/Proscar has a direct affect on the kidneys? I want to start taking it again but my Doctor has said no but I am desperate to start before all my hair goes! Thanks Guys

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Very Interesting. I have taken Dutas (generic dutesteride) for about a year and I have a pain in my left kidney and going to the loo excessively. Am waiting for urine test to see what's the matter but doctor has told me to stop taking dutas. Shame because my hair really thickened up over the year.


I found the dutas much more effective on hair loss then propecia which I had taken a few years previously. The kidney reaction is rare, but it looks like we both have this reaction, so it maybe that it's best to let the hair go or try an alternative. Regaine will stop deterioration so still consider this. 50,000 die from kidney disease in the US each year, so we shouldn't mess with them. If you email me I'll let you know the results when they come. If anyone can tell me how and why dutesteride can harm the kidneys I'd like to know because Doctors aren't very clear.


chris w

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Up until early this I had taken Propecia for about 6 years of which the last couple of years had taken Dutasteride. I was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease early this year. There is no proof that this is linked to the use of these drugs but I was told by my Doctor to stop using them. Please note that I have also been a steroid user for bodybuilding and have always had a very high protein diet so maybe this was the contributory factor to my kidney problem. In any case, as above I was advised to stop all vitamins, tablet and whatever else I was taking. Of course, since stopping my hair loss has accelerated (as it does when you stop Propecia/Dutas). I got so desperate I have just begun taking Dustas again against my Doctors wishes. I spent a lot of time prior to this researching and emailing Doctors etc online to determine if Dutas has any adverse effects on the kidneys and every one has come back and said no. So I have taken the risk but seeing your posting has really worried me. However, I do think that not all Doctors seem to be sympathetic to hair loss and maybe they don't fully understand how dustasteride or Propecia is processed by the body. Have you had any results back yet? What more has your Doctor said?


Look forward to hearing from you.

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Had the tests back for my Kidneys and they were all normal. I have since started taking Dutas again. From what you say it seems that not enough is known, especially as doctors contradict each other. There must have been field tests done on dutas which wouold be more conclusive but haven't found any.


let me know if you find any more research on the issue as I plan to continue using it long term. Also because prostate cancer runs in the family and this is a drug normally used to prevent it.


chris w

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Pleased your kidneys are OK. What did the Doctor say? Did he have any comments and advice about using Dutas with kidney problems or anything at all?


Did he say that it is better to use genuine or did he say Dutas (Dr Reddys) was OK?





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