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Defamation of Dr Charu Sharma by a non qualified Surgeon in New Delhi


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Due to professional rivalry, a non qualified Doctor in Delhi had started a blog with fake information posted over it around 8 months back with the name "Beware of Dr. Charu Sharma". His intention was to defame Dr Charu through a hypothetical patient called "Krish"..The blog was posted on an international reputed forum site of Hair Transplant(hair-restoration-info.com). Till then, Dr Charu Sharma didnt take any action. The person had used objectionable language in his blog.


That insane person again started this activity through another blog on blogger... Now, the patience of Dr Charu Sharma has met its end and the blog is under the surveillance of Cyber Crime, Delhi Police, suitable action is awaited...

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For the record, this community didn't validate with certainty that "Krissh" wasn't a genuine patient of yours. We only simply couldn't substantiate that he is a genuine patient. I trust you understand the difference.


We believe in running a fair forum for both patients and doctors. Therefore, all patients are welcome to share their genuine experiences on this forum. However, in the event the doctor wants to reply, we may require a member to substantiate that they are indeed their patient and may require the patient to give the doctor the necessary permission to share their side of the story. Of course, we take each situation on a case by case basis.


To see how these situations are handled on a case by case basis, see "Maintaining a Fair and Safe Environment on our Forum for Patients and Physicians"


We were contacted months ago by Dr. Charu Sharma claiming that "Krissh" was not a genuine patient of theirs. Though we don't simply take word of mouth as the absolute truth, it was a serious enough claim to investigate on our own.


After several emails to "Krissh" and his failure to reply within a 2 week period, we archived the thread out of public view.


Almost a month after my initial email to Krissh, he replied upset that we archived his thread, but he still wouldn't send me any of the information I requested to substantiate that he is a patient.


Ultimately, forum member "Krissh" didn't provide us with the information we asked for to substantiate that he is a patient. Thus out of fairness, we archived his thread out of public view. It's not fair to doctors for anonymous posters to make claims without substantiation. Just as we hold physicians accountable for their actions online, so must members be held accountable for their statements.


However, if "Krissh" is genuine and decides to give me the information I requested to substantiate that he's a patient and will allow Dr. Charu the right to share his side of the story online, I will restore the topic to allow discussion.


Note, you can see more on the public discussion between "Krissh" and I, including copies of the emails I sent him that he ignored at the following thread: Why Must I Disclose My Name?


Best wishes,



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  • 9 months later...
Dr. Charu Sharma is specializes in Hair Transplant & cosmetic surgery . Around the third decade of life male baldness is a common problem. Baldness occurs due to permanent loss of hair roots. No amount of oil , massage or medicines can put life back into the dead roots. Dr Charu Sharma's Hair transplantation (HT) offers a scientific solution by implanting new hair roots.


It is well known that hair on the back (occipital) region of the head almost never fall off (due to a genetic tendency to remain permanent). Dr Charu Sharma's HT is based on the concept that if hair roots taken from the back region are transplanted to the area of baldness, they will, after a short period of effluvium,continue to grow hair in the new site for as long as they would have in their original site. Follicular micro or mini grafts are used to provide the desired density of hair. Since the new transplanted hair is from one's own body, it will grow naturally with time & one can shampoo, trim or even shave it.


Male pattern baldness is the common type of hair loss and it effects most men at some stage or the other.


Typically, at first the hair begins to recede (thin) at the front. At the same time, the hair usually becomes thin on the top of the head. A bald patch gradually develops in the middle of the scalp. The receding front, and the bald patch on the top gradually enlarge and join together. A rim of hair is often left around the back and sides of the scalp. In some men, this rim of hair also thins and goes to leave a completely bald scalp.

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Who are you? Are you affiliated with Dr. Charu? Do you realize it was Dr. Charu's clinic who started this topic? Why would I remove a post that they started?


If you represent the clinic, you are required to add a disclosure in your forum signature as listed in our terms of service.


Your cooperation is expected,



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

i dont know abt krish ,but i know that my results are not desired according to my expectation....


my previouy hair transplant surgery result by Dr Charu Sharma are



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  • Senior Member

that looks...really bad Nitesh..


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

A Non -Qualified Doctor??????????

he is Doctor and simultaneously non-Qualified???How is it possible two condition at a time??

In what sense u are saying he is non -Qualified????have u some logic to write this statement or ite ur mind creation.....


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  • 3 months later...

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