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Out From Under The "Rug"

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This week I retired my hairpiece!


This has been a long journey. I started transplant in 2000 and have had a total of 3 and about 5500 grafts. I am/was a NW 7 and have made great progress.


Because of the great hairloss of a 7 I did not expect to get as much coverage as many of you but at least I am out! I still have much recession. I had to fill in the sides some (lateral humps) as well as the middle area. The crown is still gone but I have at least some hair 2/3 the way back.


Most of you after having a HT you gradually gained more hair. When a system wearer removes the system the result is usually a loss (visually) of hair instead of gradully gaining. This is why "coming out" is such a big deal and a shock.


This story would be too long with all the details but here's a summary.


Over the last year (after my last HT) I have gradually removed hair from my system and even adding a "see-thru" crown getting ready for this week. I also let my hair grow pretty long for about 3 1/3 months. This week I got a "big" hair cut. I expressed to everyone that noticed that my new look is the result of the hair cut. My basic hairline is almost the same since my system was very thin and I had major recession while wearing also. It seems about a third of the people I normally see didn't even notice. Maybe they were just being kind and didn't say anything but you can usually tell if someone is checking out your head, right?


OK. Here's where I have "cheated" (at least during this transition).


When I got the haircut I added more hair with the Cyberhair Micropoint link system. They tie a hair (which is actually a few hairs) to a natual hair. This addition thickens th elook and added some hair I could comb back to the crown area. I also beefed up some on one side which is very thin still. I added about 600. I also use Toppik in the back. With the added strands and Toppik my crown is basically covered. I felt I needed this much coverage as not to shock everyone or let them realize I was wearing a system. I also didn't want to shock myself!


I also understand from 2 different doctors that my hair MAY thicken some more since I was wearing a system over the transplants for so long. It may take 3 or 4 months to find out however. It would be great but who knows.


This process has seemed to work for me. I may not be totally natural yet but I am out of the system.


That's the short story and I hope it is helpful and encouraging to other system wearers.


Let me add that these Micropint (MP) link strands are great to thicken up a transplant or someone with diffuse thinning. The worst part of a system is having to deal with the base and how it covers what hair is left. MP addresses this issue and looks real as you can see your own scalp. Yes - you can feel a knot if your press DOWN but it is not even as big as a gain of sand . If you are in the middle of a planned sequence of HTs or just want more thickness then you might check this out.


I know someone will ask so ... my doctor was Dr. Shapiro. He's done a great job for me and is personable and approachable as well.


Thanks for listening!

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  • Regular Member

This week I retired my hairpiece!


This has been a long journey. I started transplant in 2000 and have had a total of 3 and about 5500 grafts. I am/was a NW 7 and have made great progress.


Because of the great hairloss of a 7 I did not expect to get as much coverage as many of you but at least I am out! I still have much recession. I had to fill in the sides some (lateral humps) as well as the middle area. The crown is still gone but I have at least some hair 2/3 the way back.


Most of you after having a HT you gradually gained more hair. When a system wearer removes the system the result is usually a loss (visually) of hair instead of gradully gaining. This is why "coming out" is such a big deal and a shock.


This story would be too long with all the details but here's a summary.


Over the last year (after my last HT) I have gradually removed hair from my system and even adding a "see-thru" crown getting ready for this week. I also let my hair grow pretty long for about 3 1/3 months. This week I got a "big" hair cut. I expressed to everyone that noticed that my new look is the result of the hair cut. My basic hairline is almost the same since my system was very thin and I had major recession while wearing also. It seems about a third of the people I normally see didn't even notice. Maybe they were just being kind and didn't say anything but you can usually tell if someone is checking out your head, right?


OK. Here's where I have "cheated" (at least during this transition).


When I got the haircut I added more hair with the Cyberhair Micropoint link system. They tie a hair (which is actually a few hairs) to a natual hair. This addition thickens th elook and added some hair I could comb back to the crown area. I also beefed up some on one side which is very thin still. I added about 600. I also use Toppik in the back. With the added strands and Toppik my crown is basically covered. I felt I needed this much coverage as not to shock everyone or let them realize I was wearing a system. I also didn't want to shock myself!


I also understand from 2 different doctors that my hair MAY thicken some more since I was wearing a system over the transplants for so long. It may take 3 or 4 months to find out however. It would be great but who knows.


This process has seemed to work for me. I may not be totally natural yet but I am out of the system.


That's the short story and I hope it is helpful and encouraging to other system wearers.


Let me add that these Micropint (MP) link strands are great to thicken up a transplant or someone with diffuse thinning. The worst part of a system is having to deal with the base and how it covers what hair is left. MP addresses this issue and looks real as you can see your own scalp. Yes - you can feel a knot if your press DOWN but it is not even as big as a gain of sand . If you are in the middle of a planned sequence of HTs or just want more thickness then you might check this out.


I know someone will ask so ... my doctor was Dr. Shapiro. He's done a great job for me and is personable and approachable as well.


Thanks for listening!

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Sounds like your "coming out" was a great success. Heck, with that much careful planning how could it not?


So what made you finally decide to come out from under the piece?





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South Carolina,


As a fellow veteran of the "hair system" congratulations on giving it the slip. No can you post any photos of you burning it?


Thanks for sharing.



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  • Senior Member

Bravo mate. However you do it, the main thing is that you're DOING something. I look around at so many men who walk around bald on top, and think WHY? Why do you accept looking so bloody awful ( just like my NW5 did ).

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Thanks for all the kind words!


So what made you finally decide to come out from under the piece?


Knowing my third was probably my last HT (at least major one) and it had had a year to grow in ... what else could I do? If I had not then it would mean my 3 HTs were in vain and a waste of my time and money.


Also, I had grown so much hair on top that my system no longer fit correcly and I was having to comb the hair down to cover where the base where it would detach along the hairline and raise up. Hard to make it look real that way!


Thanks again y'all!

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