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going to see dr alex asanto


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hi all im looking to get my ht done in greece athens by dr asanto. does anyone recomend this surgeon i am a bit nervous, just dont wanna get ripped off!! so tell me quick wether or not i should go. i have baldness on the front of my hair due to me being indian and having a turban from a young age which pulled out my roots.


any replies greatly appreciated

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Hello J.a.t.t and welcome


Honestly I've never heard of your doctor. Here we typically recommend seeing one of the doctors listed here: http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...s/our_physicians.asp because they have proven themselves to use the latest technologies and yield positive consistent results. If I were you, if you are not really sure if going to your doctor is a good idea, err on the side of caution, cancel and spend sometime researching first. Research first, schedule surgery later. I hope that helps.



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  • Senior Member

Listen to Bill, he knows what he is talking about. Don't go with a physician that there is very little info about. Research the hell out of things and be prepared to travel. Yes it adds to the cost but it is a decision that you'll have to live with the rest of your life. Good luck and feel free to ask more questions.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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well they have got a website what do u people think as ur all experienced....http://www.headofhair.co.uk


im 23 years old and i lost my hair there from the early of 13 and now lately i have lost it more due to me being paranoid about it....


i definately want to get it done.....



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