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Recent Hair Loss/Hair Restoration Questions Posted on our Hair Loss Q&A Blog

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Hair loss and hair restoration questions answered on a daily basis can be found on our Hair Loss Q & A Blog and is always available as an online resource for your hair restoration needs. We encourage you to contribute your thoughts to any of these articles by adding comments to the blog articles.


Below is only a small selection of the many recent Hair Loss Q&A Blogs. Feel free to use the "Search" Feature at www.regrowhair.com in order to find a topic you are curious about!


Continuing Fitness/Sports After a Hair Transplant: When to resume daily activities especially fitness and sports is a pertinent topic especially for the active person.


When to Expect New Hair Growth from a Hair Transplant: Did you just have a hair transplant? This article walks you through a typical hair transplant hair growth timeline, what to expect and when to expect it.


What are the Possible Side Effects of Propecia? You may have heard all about the possible benefits that Propecia provides, but learning about the risks of a medication is just as vital as learning about the benefits.


Can Overuse of Shampoo Cause or Contribute to Hair Loss? Learn whether or not using too much shampoo or not enough can cause or contribute to hair loss.


The importance of Long Term Hair Restoration Planning: Learning that we are balding can be very emotional. Before making any rash decisions however, learn why planning for the long term in hair restoration is vital to success!


Hair Loss Cause and Treatments From a Doctor's Perspective: Are you losing your hair? What is the cause? Learn the potential cause and what hair restoration treatments a physician recommends.


Discoloration of the Scalp after Hair Transplant ??“ Is this normal? Learn why some hair transplant patients experience discoloration of the scalp after a hair transplant and when to expect it to vanish.


What to do to Prepare for a Hair Transplant: Preoperative Tips: See what veteran forum members have recommended in order to prepare for hair transplantation surgery


Why Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Transplantation is the State of the Art Hair Transplantation: Not all hair restoration physicians perform ultra refined follicular unit transplantation. Those considering hair transplantation should read this article.


Scalp Med ??“ a popular advertised hair loss treatment: One of the many hair loss products on the forefront of the market is Scalp Med.


Hair Transplant Postoperative Tips: Those who undergo hair transplantation surgery are always asking for tips to aid with the healing process. Here you can read a list of postoperative tips provided by veteran hair transplant patients!


Number of Grafts Need to Restore Your Hair: Many who consider a hair transplant often want to know how many hair grafts they will need in order to restore their hair.


Female Hair Loss Due To Hormonal Imbalance: Over 20 million women suffer from hair loss in the U.S. alone. But not all female hair loss is genetic. Click the above link to learn more.


Laser Therapy ??“ Is it Worth the Price? Though laser therapy has been FDA approved as a treatment for hair loss, there is much discussion over its efficacy. Effective or not, consumers should make an educated decision as to whether or not the price is worth it.


Best wishes,



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Hair loss and hair restoration questions answered on a daily basis can be found on our Hair Loss Q & A Blog and is always available as an online resource for your hair restoration needs. We encourage you to contribute your thoughts to any of these articles by adding comments to the blog articles.


Below is only a small selection of the many recent Hair Loss Q&A Blogs. Feel free to use the "Search" Feature at www.regrowhair.com in order to find a topic you are curious about!


Continuing Fitness/Sports After a Hair Transplant: When to resume daily activities especially fitness and sports is a pertinent topic especially for the active person.


When to Expect New Hair Growth from a Hair Transplant: Did you just have a hair transplant? This article walks you through a typical hair transplant hair growth timeline, what to expect and when to expect it.


What are the Possible Side Effects of Propecia? You may have heard all about the possible benefits that Propecia provides, but learning about the risks of a medication is just as vital as learning about the benefits.


Can Overuse of Shampoo Cause or Contribute to Hair Loss? Learn whether or not using too much shampoo or not enough can cause or contribute to hair loss.


The importance of Long Term Hair Restoration Planning: Learning that we are balding can be very emotional. Before making any rash decisions however, learn why planning for the long term in hair restoration is vital to success!


Hair Loss Cause and Treatments From a Doctor's Perspective: Are you losing your hair? What is the cause? Learn the potential cause and what hair restoration treatments a physician recommends.


Discoloration of the Scalp after Hair Transplant ??“ Is this normal? Learn why some hair transplant patients experience discoloration of the scalp after a hair transplant and when to expect it to vanish.


What to do to Prepare for a Hair Transplant: Preoperative Tips: See what veteran forum members have recommended in order to prepare for hair transplantation surgery


Why Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Transplantation is the State of the Art Hair Transplantation: Not all hair restoration physicians perform ultra refined follicular unit transplantation. Those considering hair transplantation should read this article.


Scalp Med ??“ a popular advertised hair loss treatment: One of the many hair loss products on the forefront of the market is Scalp Med.


Hair Transplant Postoperative Tips: Those who undergo hair transplantation surgery are always asking for tips to aid with the healing process. Here you can read a list of postoperative tips provided by veteran hair transplant patients!


Number of Grafts Need to Restore Your Hair: Many who consider a hair transplant often want to know how many hair grafts they will need in order to restore their hair.


Female Hair Loss Due To Hormonal Imbalance: Over 20 million women suffer from hair loss in the U.S. alone. But not all female hair loss is genetic. Click the above link to learn more.


Laser Therapy ??“ Is it Worth the Price? Though laser therapy has been FDA approved as a treatment for hair loss, there is much discussion over its efficacy. Effective or not, consumers should make an educated decision as to whether or not the price is worth it.


Best wishes,



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