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post surgery expectations

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I currently had my third transplant done by Dr. Alexander in phoenix. It was a great experience and I really got the impression that he and his staff take great pride in their work. I have had two previous transplants, the last one I had done i regret doing as the doctor only did about 500 grafts. I had hair in the front just wanted to get a greater density in the front with this third procedure. I got around 2300 grafts done. My question is I am just over 2 weeks post op and all the scabs are gone and the top of my head looks good, it appears that I have lost maybe 50% of the transplanted hairs in the scabs or through washing my hair but still have about 50% hanging on. I have experienced a little shock loss but kinda hard to tell since my hairs were all cut short for the procedure. Will I continue to lose all those new transplanted hairs in the upcoming weeks or do most of them fall out with the scabs?

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  • Senior Member

I currently had my third transplant done by Dr. Alexander in phoenix. It was a great experience and I really got the impression that he and his staff take great pride in their work. I have had two previous transplants, the last one I had done i regret doing as the doctor only did about 500 grafts. I had hair in the front just wanted to get a greater density in the front with this third procedure. I got around 2300 grafts done. My question is I am just over 2 weeks post op and all the scabs are gone and the top of my head looks good, it appears that I have lost maybe 50% of the transplanted hairs in the scabs or through washing my hair but still have about 50% hanging on. I have experienced a little shock loss but kinda hard to tell since my hairs were all cut short for the procedure. Will I continue to lose all those new transplanted hairs in the upcoming weeks or do most of them fall out with the scabs?

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  • Senior Member

Everyone is different, but usually *most* transplanted hairs do fall out post-op. Some patients do hold on to more of these hairs than others, but I wouldn't expect it.


The follicles go into a resting phase and should begin to sprout again in a few months (look out for months four and five; they're usually the ones where the fun really begins!).


Hair Transplant Surgery - What to expect





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  • Senior Member

ok, thank you for the information. hard to tell which hairs are the new ones and which are the old ones since they buzzed my hair on top very short. Also wanted to know if anyone else out there has had a procedure done with Dr. Alexander? I did my research and it said he was one of the best. It really seemed like it compared to my previous two, at least the actual transplant itself. He uses really small blades to make the incisions for the grafts, smaller than most docs do he said. And gotta say by one week my head was completely healed, had no swelling, and no redness on top. I am very excited and want to hear from others out there that went to Dr. Alexander.

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  • Senior Member

well, it's nearing the week week post op and am noticing a lot of those hairs falling out now, wish they would've hung in there but they are going bye bye. I am truly in the ugly phase right now and am looking forward to the shockloss in my donor area growing back and all those little guys that are falling out to come back with renewed vigor!!!!!

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