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  • Senior Member

ok i m 21 so i cant go ht now

so strange queries keep popping in my head!!!


so if any body went for a HT @ 26 or something and after 35 or so he start loosing hairs again even the transplanted hairs


will be having any scars on his head where the hairs were transplanted ?????

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Since incisions are made in the recipient area, there is a chance that scarring will be seen if in the event of some strange rare anomaly, all the transplanted hair and fell out along with the natural hair.


The chances of visible scarring increases when incision sizes increase - especially if signs of cobblestoning or pitting exists.



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The vast majority of patients never lose the hair that was transplanted. Google "donor dominance" and you'll find several sites that thoroughly explain why transplanted hair follicles remain while the native hair follicles around them do not.


Keep in mind though, that hair transplanted into an area with a fair amount of native (non-transplanted) hair will appear thin once the native hair sheds or miniaturizes as baldness progresses, so a subsequent transplant may be needed to improve density or cover new areas of baldness. Rogaine/Propecia can slow this process down, especially in the back (vertex) of the head.


Good luck~


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