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ISHRS Meeting in Amsterdam July 22-24 ?

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Amsterdam 2009,


This was a great meeting and a lot of interesting topics were discussed.My knowledge base was certainly enhanced, especially on topics such as PRP. I had the opportunity to chat with a lot of the doctor's recommended on here about a number of subjects and they continue to impress.For one so big in our field Dr Wong is such a humble man, Dr Parsley the ougoing President the same..I had a great talk with Dr True and it was easy to see how he has reached the top of our field.Dr Feriduni was kind enough to share his philosopy on hair and you just know why he has risen to the top.This was further enhanced by meeting with some of his patients at the live patient viewing. Suffice to say that this could be said of all.

Dr Feller had a very busy booth and a number of Doctor's were looking at his new FUE tool.It seemed to go down very well indeed.We chatted in between the people milling round his stand and i certainly learned more about FUE from him.

We bought five cases to the live patient viewing and i know that everyone loved what they saw, especially the mighty Fallenstar.

All in all good stuff.



Patient coordinator for Dr. Bessam Farjo who is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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When Pat and I attend the annual ISHRS meeting, we provide a detailed summary of some of the hot topics discussed. To see highlights from the 2008 meeting in Montreal, click here.


Pat and I had originally intended to attend this year's meeting however, due to a few things that came up for both of us, neither of us were able to attend this year. Thus, we will not be able to provide a summary this time.


We did however, take a look over the preliminary schedule and saw that the majority of the topics they were presenting have been long discussed right here on our hair restoration forum.



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  • Senior Member

hi Guys,


was really good to see work from other Dr's and meet them & their patients to compare experience. a real eye opener on where this HT technology.


I think I put all the faces to the names, & was nice to meet some of u guys.


how did u guys find the event, i was really please with all the +ve feedback for my results.


anyways would b good to hear from others who were at the events.



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  • Senior Member

thx Balody,


I think we kep Mick in order...most of the time we could see him icon_rolleyes.gif

saw many patients and i felt great to see my results were amongst the best of the them.. icon_biggrin.gif


funny, not heard from anyone body else, i am sure i must have bumped into some of the members on this forum...where r u guys.. ???


talk soon,



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