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Hair Transplant


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This is my post to share my views for Hair Transplant which I took in Delhi India. I had very little hair and I used a cap even in summers. I used to feel bad when some body passes by my with healthy hair. I always had the feeling to have healthy hair..

people told me that it is very much possbile as of now and I started going on to get some options for that.


I colsulted some doctors in the city i.e. New Delhi and tried to gather information about the best solution for me and then I zeroed to a lady surgeon Dr Charu Sharma.


I underwent around 2 sittings of Folicular HT and after 2.5-3 months I found the results. The results were okay and now I dont use a cap and move out freely with my natural hair. This is exciting and thanks to the technology and my doctor for this...


Its very cheap to get it done in India. I want to tell everybody who had the same problem that it is not a big deal now to get natural hair...

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This is my post to share my views for Hair Transplant which I took in Delhi India. I had very little hair and I used a cap even in summers. I used to feel bad when some body passes by my with healthy hair. I always had the feeling to have healthy hair..

people told me that it is very much possbile as of now and I started going on to get some options for that.


I colsulted some doctors in the city i.e. New Delhi and tried to gather information about the best solution for me and then I zeroed to a lady surgeon Dr Charu Sharma.


I underwent around 2 sittings of Folicular HT and after 2.5-3 months I found the results. The results were okay and now I dont use a cap and move out freely with my natural hair. This is exciting and thanks to the technology and my doctor for this...


Its very cheap to get it done in India. I want to tell everybody who had the same problem that it is not a big deal now to get natural hair...

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I just saw your post and first of all, I am happy that you got it done. Well I am also from delhi and got the stuff done from Dr Charu Sharma and results are good for me too.


Can we exchange more views in this if you dont mind..

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Important Moderator Note


Raja_Ishika, Romper, or whatever you'd like to be called,


Because you share the same IP address, I can only assume that you are the same person pretending to be satisfied patients of Dr. Charu.


Our forum strongly frowns upon covert posters coming here and falisfying an experience to promote a clinic.


Ironically, we are looking to learn more about and then potentially recommend a quality surgeon in India. However, those we consider will be honest and upfront about their work and are willing to go through our public transparent review process. Those who do high quality work aren't afraid to hide behind covert aliases on a discussion forum, especially those who pretend to be who they are not.


Because you've breached our terms of service which is meant to protect the credibility of our community, both of your accounts are suspended. Our terms of service clearly state:


"All posters promoting or advocating a particular physician, procedure or treatment on this forum are required to divulge any compensation, monetary or otherwise, that they may be receiving in their posting signature. No links or references to websites or resources of a promotional nature are permitted on this educational forum."


The bottom line is that prospective patients have the right to know who they are getting information from. And though we can't substantiate all claims made on our discussion forum, when we see our terms of service have been violated, we follow through with an appropriate action.


Though we can't validate with certainty that you are representatives of Dr. Charu's clinic, you've misled our community to believe you were two separate satisfied patients of hers, when you are actually the same member talking to yourself.





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"All posters promoting or advocating a particular physician, procedure or treatment on this forum are required to divulge any compensation, monetary or otherwise, that they may be receiving in their posting signature. No links or references to websites or resources of a promotional nature are permitted on this educational forum."



Actually, on another thread a poster recently asked for recommended places to purchase cheap finasteride and I had to disclaim to him that while I had personally recommended a couple of websites, more than a couple of times, I have decided to desist from such action as it can be misconstrued as solicitation.

take care...



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Good point.


But given your track record of helping members of this forum, I wouldn't consider posting the occasional link as a solicitation.


New members who post the same link in 5 threads simultaenously however, now that's a different story.


Usually I have a good nose for sniffing out when something's not right. And on a whim, I checked both of the member acounts above and they both share the same IP address. Now, any computer buff will tell you that the probability of two posters sharing the same IP address in the same day, not to mention the fact that they both are posting on our forum on the same topic, is more rare than the probability of getting struck by lightning.


Therefore, there is no doubt in my mind that the above was an attempt to give a surgeon a glowing review under false pretenses.


Oddly enough, I would have invited Dr. Charu to show examples of her work on this forum for consideration for recommendation.



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Mr. GQ,


Dr. Charu's IP, though not an exact match, is very similar which means it's most likely broadcasting from the same network as the above posters. It's also possible that it's from the same computer, but due to the lapse in time, the IP address of the clinic changed if it's dynamic.


Dr. Charu certainly has every right to come here and defend herself against claims made on the forum. This is only fair.


To be clear, the above two posters were banned because the evidence strongly suggests that they are the same poster misleading our community into believing they are two satisfied patients of Dr. Charu.


However, we cannot substantiate with certainty whether or not these posters have anything to do with Dr. Charu's clinic.



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