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Reaching Density


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Does anybody have any idea how long it takes for a grafted area to gain the sort of density that looks normal? It's been almost 7 months since I had a transplant of 1600 grafts. Everything has gone pretty smooth and the target area has been steadily growing in nicely since fairly soon after the procedure. But even though there are so many hairs in that area, I still look like I'm a regular thinning guy up there (on the front of my head). I want it to look like I never lost anything there. I know it may only reach half the original density, but I am wondering when it will look more substantial. Anybody have any ideas how long after the procedure I need to be patient for?


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Does anybody have any idea how long it takes for a grafted area to gain the sort of density that looks normal? It's been almost 7 months since I had a transplant of 1600 grafts. Everything has gone pretty smooth and the target area has been steadily growing in nicely since fairly soon after the procedure. But even though there are so many hairs in that area, I still look like I'm a regular thinning guy up there (on the front of my head). I want it to look like I never lost anything there. I know it may only reach half the original density, but I am wondering when it will look more substantial. Anybody have any ideas how long after the procedure I need to be patient for?


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I would question your comment on looking like you did before your hairloss started. Ht is not meant to produce those kinds of results. I Would give it a full year if not more first. You can go for a smaller HT to add density. Guys what do you think?

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Matthew, yes, I know. You're right. I guess I don't mean that I expect it to look exactly like I was 18 again. But does the density actually continue filling out up to a year or more as you suggest?

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A rule of thumb I have heard is "3 months= 30%" of your final result, and "6 months = 60%" of your final result, and so on. Really, it can take 12 to even 18 months to really have a mature result. The hair shafts apparently get thicker over time.


I would echo what the other responses said, do not expect "too much" from a transplant. They provide an "illusion of coverage" and will not result in a big bush of hair.

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What was your density (i.e. how many grafts per cm2?)


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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