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My HT experience on FEB 4th w/Dr. Harris. Somewhat lengthy.....


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I've been reading and posting on this web site for several months. I've enjoyed the conversations and appreciate others feed back and advice.


I feel obligated and want to share my experience as well. I had my first FU session yesterday (Feb 4th) with Dr. James Harris in Denver CO. and I'd like to provide a daily or weekly progress report. I first asked DR. Harris if he would mind that I did this. Dr. Harris does not advertise at all, but he agreed to allow me to do this. Before I continue let me way that I email both Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Keene regarding Dr. Harris. Althought neither mentioned they had seen his work, Dr. Shapiro mentioned he'd talked to Dr. Harris many times and to make a long story short gave me what I needed to make the appointment with Dr. Harris. Similar words were received from Dr. Keene.


I hope I don't bore any of you. This first post will cover the day of surgery and the following day.


History: I had around 40 "plugs" put in the mid 1980's when the FU technology was not there, or if it was there was very new. My doctor put them in behind my hairline. This doctor was not a "quack" like Bosely or MHR. The fact that he put them further back was smart then and I think smart now. Problem is I lost alot more hair. ALOT more hair and for the last 10 years my plugs HAVE BEEN my hairline. Got tired of it, started researching and found FU's.


I had a consultation with MHR last Nov. Actually signed up for FEB 4th for 1800 FU's (or at least that's what they told me). For what ever reason, I was feelin uneasy about this. Somehow I found this site and spent the several months reading, asking questions etc. I live in Denver and Dr. James Harris was one of two doctor's recommended on this site. So I made an appointment for consultation. Absolutely no pressure by Dr. Harris. He ansered all my question. He answered about 20 emails from me the next several months as well. He would'nt even say anything bad about MHR, although he did mentioned that he knew for a fact that they don't use microscopes when cutting the FU's (if that's the right terminology). Dr. Harris does ONLY FU's and all his staff use microscopes. My main goal was to have my frontal hairline (the old plugs) worked in such a way that it was natural and you could'nt see or tell I had old plugs. Dr. Harris went over his recommendation, which was what I expected and hoped he's say since I've read alot of posts on this website. We talked about then moving back towards the vertex. He recommended only going to the edge of the top of the vertex. This because of the available donor hair in case I wanted more FU's in the future. When I left his office I felt much better than when I left MHR. I signed up for Feb 4th with Dr. Harris. I mentioned that this would be tentative and I would give enought notice if I chickened out. When I left Dr. Harris office our agreement, should I follow thru, would be 2800 FU's. He said we could change this the day of surgery. I also receive several references from Dr. Harris office and I calle them. All gave very good recommendations.


I got there yesterday at 7:30 am. I had a car service take me there and bring me home. This because Dr. Harris does something that I have not read about from other Dr's. As with most, they gave me a sedative. But prior to retrieving the donor hair, Dr. Harris also gave me a very small IV that help relax me even more. He told me I might feel some burn in the elbow/upper arm. No burn sensation was felt. The IV was only in for about a minute. I was relaxed the rest of the surgery. Fell asleep a couple of times (i'm told) and watched "Hunt for Red October" on CD as well.


When Dr. Harris starting the numbing process for the donor site he said I will feel a sharp slightly painful sensation. It was nothing. I'm pretty good with pain, but the dentist is alot worse. As a matter of fact, I felt no pain AT ALL during the entire surgery. The worst part for me was laying in that dam chair from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. My back and neck were killing me. Dr. Harris and his assistants are very methodical, I'd call them perfectionist, which is why the process took so long. That and I had 2800 FU's.


I can't say enought about Dr. Harris and his staff. I know some of you don't care about how the staff makes you feel, its the work that counts, but hey that's you. They made me feel very comfortable. I even got foot rubs. Dr. Harris and his staff are nothing but class acts.


Feb 4th night I felt no pain. I had pain medication that I took which helped.


I went in Feb 5th for a checkup and cleaning. They thorougly cleaned my donor area (I got disovable stitches) and thoroughly cleaned my recipient area and then washed my hair.


Dr. Harris then came in to answer any last questions I had and again offered the email converstations as well.


At this time (Feb 5th) I feel a little throbbing in the donor area. Its not at all unbearable, but its definitely there. No pain at all in the recipient area.


I will be working from home the next two weeks. I hope at the end of two weeks that all recipient scabs will be gone and I can comb my hair as ususual because I'm due back at work. I expect redness, and Dr. Harris and his staff mentioned this. But heres the thing. His staff provided me with a name of some women's makeup that I could by that will help minimize the redness. This may not seem like a big deal to some of you but to me it just shows the care Dr. Harris and his staff have for their patients.


Yes....time will tell as to how this all comes out. I know my praise of Dr. Harris and his staff is very good right now. But based on his references I am very excited and wish it was 4/5 months down the roal already.


Once again..hope I did not bore you. Stay tuned.

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I've been reading and posting on this web site for several months. I've enjoyed the conversations and appreciate others feed back and advice.


I feel obligated and want to share my experience as well. I had my first FU session yesterday (Feb 4th) with Dr. James Harris in Denver CO. and I'd like to provide a daily or weekly progress report. I first asked DR. Harris if he would mind that I did this. Dr. Harris does not advertise at all, but he agreed to allow me to do this. Before I continue let me way that I email both Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Keene regarding Dr. Harris. Althought neither mentioned they had seen his work, Dr. Shapiro mentioned he'd talked to Dr. Harris many times and to make a long story short gave me what I needed to make the appointment with Dr. Harris. Similar words were received from Dr. Keene.


I hope I don't bore any of you. This first post will cover the day of surgery and the following day.


History: I had around 40 "plugs" put in the mid 1980's when the FU technology was not there, or if it was there was very new. My doctor put them in behind my hairline. This doctor was not a "quack" like Bosely or MHR. The fact that he put them further back was smart then and I think smart now. Problem is I lost alot more hair. ALOT more hair and for the last 10 years my plugs HAVE BEEN my hairline. Got tired of it, started researching and found FU's.


I had a consultation with MHR last Nov. Actually signed up for FEB 4th for 1800 FU's (or at least that's what they told me). For what ever reason, I was feelin uneasy about this. Somehow I found this site and spent the several months reading, asking questions etc. I live in Denver and Dr. James Harris was one of two doctor's recommended on this site. So I made an appointment for consultation. Absolutely no pressure by Dr. Harris. He ansered all my question. He answered about 20 emails from me the next several months as well. He would'nt even say anything bad about MHR, although he did mentioned that he knew for a fact that they don't use microscopes when cutting the FU's (if that's the right terminology). Dr. Harris does ONLY FU's and all his staff use microscopes. My main goal was to have my frontal hairline (the old plugs) worked in such a way that it was natural and you could'nt see or tell I had old plugs. Dr. Harris went over his recommendation, which was what I expected and hoped he's say since I've read alot of posts on this website. We talked about then moving back towards the vertex. He recommended only going to the edge of the top of the vertex. This because of the available donor hair in case I wanted more FU's in the future. When I left his office I felt much better than when I left MHR. I signed up for Feb 4th with Dr. Harris. I mentioned that this would be tentative and I would give enought notice if I chickened out. When I left Dr. Harris office our agreement, should I follow thru, would be 2800 FU's. He said we could change this the day of surgery. I also receive several references from Dr. Harris office and I calle them. All gave very good recommendations.


I got there yesterday at 7:30 am. I had a car service take me there and bring me home. This because Dr. Harris does something that I have not read about from other Dr's. As with most, they gave me a sedative. But prior to retrieving the donor hair, Dr. Harris also gave me a very small IV that help relax me even more. He told me I might feel some burn in the elbow/upper arm. No burn sensation was felt. The IV was only in for about a minute. I was relaxed the rest of the surgery. Fell asleep a couple of times (i'm told) and watched "Hunt for Red October" on CD as well.


When Dr. Harris starting the numbing process for the donor site he said I will feel a sharp slightly painful sensation. It was nothing. I'm pretty good with pain, but the dentist is alot worse. As a matter of fact, I felt no pain AT ALL during the entire surgery. The worst part for me was laying in that dam chair from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. My back and neck were killing me. Dr. Harris and his assistants are very methodical, I'd call them perfectionist, which is why the process took so long. That and I had 2800 FU's.


I can't say enought about Dr. Harris and his staff. I know some of you don't care about how the staff makes you feel, its the work that counts, but hey that's you. They made me feel very comfortable. I even got foot rubs. Dr. Harris and his staff are nothing but class acts.


Feb 4th night I felt no pain. I had pain medication that I took which helped.


I went in Feb 5th for a checkup and cleaning. They thorougly cleaned my donor area (I got disovable stitches) and thoroughly cleaned my recipient area and then washed my hair.


Dr. Harris then came in to answer any last questions I had and again offered the email converstations as well.


At this time (Feb 5th) I feel a little throbbing in the donor area. Its not at all unbearable, but its definitely there. No pain at all in the recipient area.


I will be working from home the next two weeks. I hope at the end of two weeks that all recipient scabs will be gone and I can comb my hair as ususual because I'm due back at work. I expect redness, and Dr. Harris and his staff mentioned this. But heres the thing. His staff provided me with a name of some women's makeup that I could by that will help minimize the redness. This may not seem like a big deal to some of you but to me it just shows the care Dr. Harris and his staff have for their patients.


Yes....time will tell as to how this all comes out. I know my praise of Dr. Harris and his staff is very good right now. But based on his references I am very excited and wish it was 4/5 months down the roal already.


Once again..hope I did not bore you. Stay tuned.

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Thanks for your account of your experience. I'm about 8 weeks ahead of you. My swelling was gone in 3 days. I was back at work after one week-- no problems. No one noticed a thing. I'm just waiting for my new hair to grow in. Keep us posted.

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Well, I'm not one of those lucky ones I guess.


After 2800 FU's on Feb 4th, my head is the size of a basketball. My eyes are swollen like I've been in a boxing match. I've iced the crap out of my head and eyes. I guess its just one of those things. No way I could go to work in 5 days.


Its at this time I keep asking my self if its worth it. I guess/hope time will tell. Good thing I've got two weeks off of work and not one. Hope all this goes away by then. After whats happened so far, now I'm really worried about the redness. With my luck it won't look like a slight sunburn but a bad one and then everybody will know.


Stay tuned.

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Honey, my friend told me i looked like a hooker who had been beated up and was in a police lineup 3 days after surgery. lol but within a week, swelling was gone and redness gone within a week and a half. I retained at least 95% of my grafts and they are growing, very little fallout at all. I am amazed and the clinic too. So, it does get better. Although, I took my meds too late after surgery and that nite was horrible, I got thru it. Good luck.

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Thank you so much for your response. You don't know how much better it made me feel. Nobody knows I did this, so I have nobody to talk to. And you know, I feel like sh...... right now.


How many grafts did you have? And congratulations, glad everything turned out ok.


Your response cheered me up. I think I'll have a glass of wine and watch the opening of the Olympics in a good mood tonight.


Thanx again....

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Hey Midnite, I've been waiting to hear your experince, sounds similiar to mine, but remember HANG IN THERE. it'll be over before you know it, I too didn't have people to talk with during the procedure so I know how you're feelng. BUT WAIT, it'll get better before you know it. It's now been 8 wweks for me and no problems what so ever. Knowone has noticed or said a thing in at least 4 - 5 weeks. I'll waiting for the new guys to pop, I've been told 4 - 6 months after surgary. hang in there. R

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I had 1,240 grafts. It has been 3 weeks last fri and i went for my first haircut since the surgery. My hairdresser forgot and didn't even notice until i reminded her. She was amazed and noticed what i had not, that where i was concerned that it looked sparse and was afraid the grafts might not have been properly spaced, she noticed that those were just places where fallout had occured and i hadn't noticed. and, although it still feels like a burr:), a lot of the grafts have started growing out and i am excited. she remarked that she has several hair transplant clients and mine was very natural looking. you have to know that i am female and am incredibly sensitive about my hair. someday, i want a man to run his hands thru my hair and i will not jerk back -- i will just relax and enjoy it. i waited 12 years to do it and i am so glad i finally bit the bullet and you will be too once you get over the poka dot scalp phase:)

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thanx for your support.


I'm 9 days post op now. I'd say that the swelling is pretty much gone. Dramatic improvement from day 7 to day 8. Just kept icing.


Still very tender in the donor area and very tight. I think this is to be expected for awhile from what I understand.


Have a couple of real red "bruises" in the recipient area. Had my doctor check them out yesterday. Nothing serious, just skin trauma, but I hope the real redness disappears shortly.


Scabs are starting to come off. I've got some shock loss already.


So...things are starting to look good.


Thanx for asking KP.

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Was looking for some input on the amount of time for the recipient scabs to fall off?


I'm 10 days post op. Most have disappeard, however I have a couple of areas that are extremely red. I've seen my doctor and its not infected, just skin trauma.


Has anybody ever experienced this and if so, how long before it healed?



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My scabs were all gone within a week or so. I had the entire top of my shaved so they were pretty noticable. it's been 9 weeks for me now and all is ok, I've got a little new growth happening, the tightness in the donar area has disapeared, and the numbness in the top has lessened, my originall hair is about an 3/4" long so it covers up very well. Hope all is well with you. PS how did it go over at your work ?? R

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Hey bcguy,


Well, I have not returned to work yet. I'm 17 days post op.


I still have clusters of scabs. Like the blood dried together. Its getting pretty frustrating. I'm fortunate that I can work from home these last several weeks. Actually was only planning on staying home two weeks. But it will end up being 4 weeks.


I know that the FU's are all healed under the scabs. I've started working the scabs off pretty figorously, and when they come off everything looks good underneath.


I still have the disovable stitches in the donor area. And this area is still very tender.


I've experienced and continue to experience a tremendous amount of shock loss. Most of it now is coming from the Donor area.


I would say I'm not the picture perfect example of FUT.

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Midnite, I have appreciated yourr updates on your fu procedure. I also am in the Denver area and have consulted with Dr. Harris and thought he was pretty straightforward about expectations. I am curious if you consulted with any other all fu surgeons outside of Denver. Also, even though its early would you recommend Dr. H.

Hope your recovery is speedy



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I did not consult with any doctors face to face outside Denver. I did alot of research with doctors via email (especially the ones mentioned on this site...Shapiro and Keene). My research also consisted on posting questions on this site and researching other sites.


I initially consulted with MHR in Denver, signed up and was ready to go before I found this site. Once I found this site, I immediately cancelled MHR and went to see Dr. Harris. Fortunately, I'd already new what questions to ask Dr. Harris based on all my research before. So I knew what kind of "Correct" answers to expect. I also ask for prior patients of his I could talk to. He did not hesitate on this at all.


My experience with the FUT process thus far has been frustrating, but I believe its just in the way my body heals...I guess very slowly. Plus I've had alot of shock loss...but once again this differs between individuals.


I'm 18 days post op and believe it or not, I still have almost all my little FU's. I can't see where any have fallen out. This allows me to see the work that Dr. Harris has done (i.e. his artistry if you will).


Based on everything I've read on this site about other doctors and how their procedures go, I'd say Dr. Harris and his technicians operate exactly as the others. From the consultations, to the morning of the surgery, to the extraction of the donor site, to the microscope's for retrieving the 1,2,3 and 4 FU's etc. Dr. Harris creates all the recipient sites. His technicians inserted all the FU's.


He and his staff are very professional and very caring. I still send emails to him on questions and he continues to answer each and everyone of them. I think he's a little bit more expensive than some of the other Dr.'s recommended on this site. But, he has a large staff. There were 2 to 3 technicians on the microscopes and 2 to 3 technicians inserting FU's all during my surgery. If money was the issue, then I wouldn't have had this done at all.


It is still early for me. But if all goes well and I'm happy in 6 to 8 months, I would have no problem returning to Dr. Harris for more.


Good Luck. Let me know if you have any other question regarding Dr. Harris.

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I understand the Denver Fox news (channel 13) is doing a story on Dr. H on Monday the 25th at 9 pm newscast (I think). One of their employees had the procedure done. I had ~550 units last wed. Will post my first few days post op experience soon.. but so far things are fine.


ps hang in there midnite

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