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Dr Feller or Dr. True


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I am in the process of having a consultation with both doctors. I actually had a consultation in 01 but decided to wait. In any event both are saying that 4000 strip would work well.

Can anyone tell me if they used either doctors and any imput and also is 4000 doable in one sitting



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I am in the process of having a consultation with both doctors. I actually had a consultation in 01 but decided to wait. In any event both are saying that 4000 strip would work well.

Can anyone tell me if they used either doctors and any imput and also is 4000 doable in one sitting



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  • Senior Member

Hi CM,

i have been trying to decide between the very two docs. i have asked the same question many times, and it seems, both are comparable, and very excellent. Although, in one of his emails to me, Dr. Feller mentioned that 3500 is the upper limit of his sessions, and even that was only in exceptional cases. what is your situation right now. Any pics?



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