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Everything posted by cm

  1. I am in the process of having a consultation with both doctors. I actually had a consultation in 01 but decided to wait. In any event both are saying that 4000 strip would work well. Can anyone tell me if they used either doctors and any imput and also is 4000 doable in one sitting thanks
  2. I am in the process of having a consultation with both doctors. I actually had a consultation in 01 but decided to wait. In any event both are saying that 4000 strip would work well. Can anyone tell me if they used either doctors and any imput and also is 4000 doable in one sitting thanks
  3. I am in the process of doing a consultation AGAIN with both true and feller. I can't get feller on the phone though for the last few days. This is my question to you if you would be so kind as to answer. Can either true or feller do 4000 fuss on one session as both claim thanks ps would you go to dr true again
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