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hello, i am a 25 year old male who has been experiencing hair loss for 2 years now. Its mainly receding and starting to pick up steam. My hair, if pulled slightly, will fall out anywhere on my head, anywhere! It like the root cant hold on. Other problems I have are 'Raynauds' (very very poor circulation) Keratosis Pilaris, Pruitus Ani, ear infections, horribly dry skin and dandruff. Thinning hair runs in my family but only in a select few really, and its not that terrible. My dads side has no one with thinning hair and my brother who is one year younger has no thinning at all. I am not sure if one of these infections, or a low thyroid (my mom has one) could be a main problem since my hair falls out so easily. Its odd. DOes anyone have any knowledge or advice?? THANK YOU!!

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hello, i am a 25 year old male who has been experiencing hair loss for 2 years now. Its mainly receding and starting to pick up steam. My hair, if pulled slightly, will fall out anywhere on my head, anywhere! It like the root cant hold on. Other problems I have are 'Raynauds' (very very poor circulation) Keratosis Pilaris, Pruitus Ani, ear infections, horribly dry skin and dandruff. Thinning hair runs in my family but only in a select few really, and its not that terrible. My dads side has no one with thinning hair and my brother who is one year younger has no thinning at all. I am not sure if one of these infections, or a low thyroid (my mom has one) could be a main problem since my hair falls out so easily. Its odd. DOes anyone have any knowledge or advice?? THANK YOU!!

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  • Regular Member

With out sound to harsh or condescending, I would probably do the following; First thing I would do is stop pulling my own hair out. Second, see a Doctor to confirm your condition and get tested for a thyroid problem. Third, consider starting a regime of any of the following; Propecia/Proscar (Proven to fight hair loss), Nizoral shampoo, Nioxin shampoo, a good conditioner (Nioxin makes a good one) and even possibly Rogaine (proven to stimulate hair growth, but I am not a user). I'm not a doctor and this is only my opinion.

Smiling & laughing does wonders for the soul!

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Thank you for your reply, I did not find it harsh at all. I have been to a doctor, and my thyroid was fine, but he said it is possible it was a false negative. also I have been to a few derms, but I have yet to get a consistant answer. I have heard biotin deficiency, my poor circulation, alopecia, etc. So the doctors are confusing me more. All I really know is my hair does not want to stay on my head and my skin is very dry. Oh, I will definately stop pullin on my hair!

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  • Regular Member

If there is the possibility of a false negative may be try another doctor for a second test and opinion. When you say dry skin are you referring to your scalp? If so, the Nioxin line (not a fan of their extra products, but defiantly like the shampoo and conditioner) as well as Nizoral 1 or 2% should help with that. Have you considered Propecia? How about a solid line up of daily vitamins and supplements to help with any mineral, etc. deficiency?

Smiling & laughing does wonders for the soul!

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I exercise, eat very well, and take vitamins such as C, Folic Acid, Biotin and Saw Palmetto. I have not considered Propecia, a derm I saw said he thought I didnt need it. Not sure why, but whatever. THanks for all your help!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by jojo77:

I have not considered Propecia, a derm I saw said he thought I didnt need it. Not sure why, but whatever. THanks for all your help!


I'd get a second opinion for sure. If your losing hair, in most cases Propecia (finasteride) should help you stop the loss unless a Dermatologist can provide a reason for you losing hair other than MPB. Like Laughter's Medicine mentioned, a good scalp and hair care treatment couldn't hurt.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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