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Propecia side effects


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  • Senior Member

I've been taking Avodart for 17 months and I am still "waiting" for side effects to show up. Avodart inhibits much more DHT than does Propecia so deductive reason says that the risk of side effects is higher.


Merck's studies indicate that only about 2% of users will experience mild side effects. Now, this may be a little optimistic, but I don't really think so. Time and time again has proven that Propecia is a pretty relatively safe medication.


Now, if you are waiting for a side effect to show up sooner or later you will eventually get what you are waiting for. That's called the placebo effect. I'm not trying to downplay your concerns but I don't make it a habit to start fires if I don't see any already burning, if you get my drift.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Regular Member

i just didnt want to be in that 2% so thats why i asked. I find myself "testing" more often since i started using it and no problems yet, you are right if i keep waiting for it i probably will get it. thanks for your help

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  • Senior Member

Robert, Gotta disagree with you there....yeah, the placebo effect is very real and I agree with you there, but as far as the 2%, I think that is drastically lower than the actual amounts, and many users have permanent irreversible side effects.....


Mercks study state that the sexual sides reduced in the 5 yr vs. the two year....wonder why? My deduction is that, in the one yr study, the guys that had the sex sides quit, so they are out of the study, and the ones that tolerated continued, thus the lower # of reported sexual sides....


I would love to have the effects to reverse and stop further loss, but the fact is that when dealing with hormones, its not universal across the board....to me its a roll of the dice that im not willing to take...I keep trying top talk myself into it, but doing reasearch always throws up more red flags for me......


check out this site....




I could paste lots more...and the fact is that noone knows what the long term effects of the drug will be....thereotically, one could realistically take Propecia/proscar for 50+ years...thats a long time to be fu#$in with your hormones....


And another, it doesnt work for everyone....


Just my opinion.....I have been almost universally advised by everyone to take finasteride, but to me, its too much of a risk...

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  • Senior Member

I briefly tried Finasteride in my early 30's but got psyched out and quit after reading about possible side effects.


I'm turning 40 this year and after researching the product again, I decided that the conlusions drawn by the long-term studies (10 years, I believe) were safe enough for me. I just started taking it 5 weeks ago and have not experienced any noticable side-effects.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

You can disagree, and you're welcome to your opinion. After all, I'm not advocating Propecia in any way, shape, or form. I like to get most, or preferably all, information from published studies if at all possible.


Here is what I found doing a quick search:




This info can be found at Pubmed.org but is also right on Propecia's website here:




Look under "Adverse Reaction"



As far as the link you posted, just doing a rough scan of the responses revealed that at least half were positive reactions to Propecia. Please also consider that a person having percieved negative effects is going to be more apt to speak out about their experience than someone that has popped the pill for years with no problems so the ratio is grossly one-sided.


But I'm glad to see you doing your research. I did it myself before I started taking the drug to make sure that I was OK with it. It's not for everyone and I never stated that. However, for many guys it's a great treatment.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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