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Was it worth it?


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  • Regular Member

Yea it was worth it if you like to have a large scar across the back of your head.


Yea it was worth it if you like to have your head look like straw stretched across a barrel.


Yea it was worth it if you want to wear a hat all the time because of embarasment.


Yea it was worth it if you dont want to look at yourself in the mirror any more.


Yea it was worth it if you take out your unhappines on your family.


Yea it was worth it if you like to be depressed.


Yea it was worth it if your one of the few that might actual look like the photos your shown before your first surgery.


Yea it was worth it if you have about 30,000 dollars to have it done then have it fixed.


Yea it was worth it.

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  • Senior Member


I see you've also edited your picture gallery. I also see that you wrote "As far as my Dr. I would like to keep that confidential right now untill I see how my last HT grows in. Same Doc all 4HTs."

So, to summarize, you feel bad because you've trusted some low level "surgeon" who's left you disfigured. Well guess what? You're not alone. Many of us, including myself, have been fooled and/or butchered at one stage or another. Is it a reason to give up hope, keep banging your head against the wall and hate the world? It surely isn't. Some ideas for you:


1. Have you looked at Jotronic's pre-HT pictures? I doubt you look as bad as he did. And look at him now. That is probably one of the most dramatic change I have seen online.


2. There is help available, whatever your condition. There are outstanding surgeons out there. They can make true miracles even for a guy who thinks his case is hopeless. Get in touch, send pictures, ask for advice.


3. Get yourself together. Life is short my friend, too short to waste your time complaining or regretting. You're lucky enough to have a family, enjoy it whilst you can. You know what? I don't feel sorry for you. I would have if you'd said that for example you had AIDS and a few months to live. But what you have is nowhere close to that, and it is a problem that CAN be solved. So get a grip, think positive and move on.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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  • Regular Member


My message was simply to put my experiance out their and how it has effected my life. I would not say I was disfigured although some might say I am. My appearence is not as bad as some I have seen but it looks bad to me and as everyone here likes to say that is all that matters


I will say that I have a 1cm scar across my head which I was told was going to be pencil line thin.


I will say that I was told all I needed was three HTS maybe a fourth, now I am told I will need one more later on.


I will say that My HT is not virtually undetectalbe as I was told it would be.


I have seen Jotronic's pics and from what I know his cas is extreamly atypical most can not expect his results. What does his scar look like?


I also have contacted 4 doctors from this site and only one to date has bothered to get back to me.


Lastly I am not complaining or looking for you to feel sorry for me. This is just my buyer be ware warning to anyone who is considering a HT.


Thank you for your advise and your right life is to short.

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  • Senior Member

You keep saying "I was told this", "I was told that". Will you finally say WHO sold you that crap, so we can all benefit from this information? What's the point of a "buyer be ware" if you don't know the salesman or the product?

Same for the docs who you say have NOT got back to you. Name and shame, that's the general idea.

As for Jotronic's scar, there are many pics on his website and you can always e-mail him to get more.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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