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Getting Ready for Big Event After H/T - Thoughts?

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Hey guys,


So I'm 1 week out of a HT with Dr. Reed in La Jolla and loving those little scabs. Can't wait for them to grow.


Anyways, I have an engagement party I need to be ready for in about 3 weeks and not sure of what to do about my head. My hair is trimmed to about a 3 or 4 right now, so I was thinking of using a concealer like Toppik or Dermatech so it doesn't look so thin in pictures.


The other options is a hair piece for the event. Any thoughts on this guys? I'm not too sure how much hair pieces cost for 1 night or how the application might affect by HT. I'd rather use the concealer, but I've heard I need more hair for it to adhere to.


So what's the best option for a 1 night hair fullness solution?

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  • Senior Member

I would definitely not use a hair piece just for the event; first a good one will cost a lot of money; in addition, I'm assumming you will see people that know you well and they would definitely notice it on you if you have never worn one before; I would not cut your hair again until after the event; in 3 weeks of growth, the scar should be concealed well so that shouldn't be an issue; a Concealer could be used for the top/front safely by that time to help hide the redness from the receipent area; also I'm not sure what extent of hairloss you have; if you don't have a lot of native hair than the concealer won't be as effective in creating the illusion of fullness; you will have to experiment and see how it looks; also, have a story prepared if somebody says something if you want to keep it a secret; sunburn from a vacation etc....IMO I think the main concern at the 1 month point will be redness in the receipent area that people will notice. other than that, you should look relatively close to pre-op conditions depending on if you had any shockloss or not.

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  • Senior Member

In 3 weeks you should be fine to use concealer. Actually, I had a wedding to go to 2 weeks after my HT and had no problem concealing the wrok. HOWEVER, I did leave the donor area a bit longer and I had some existing hair to blend.. Dermatch is great if you have hair to blend.



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