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This is a copy of something I posted earlier. I only got one response and was hoping for more. Anyone have any suggestions / input? Im disapointed that only one person gave input...

I have never had a ht, but Ive been researching them off and on for the past seven years now. I just recently found this forum and have found it to be the most infromational and trustworthy source of knowledge. After researching this forum and chatting with many posters, Im considering going to H&W for a consultation. Yet, I still have a couple points of concern which it seems there are no hard definite answers for; but I would still apreciate your thoughts on. First off, Im 28. My hair loss has been slow and steady begining with a mild "widows peak" when I was about 21. Slowly, but surely the widows peak has extended back in a typical 'v' shape (with hair still in the front middle and thinning on top). Sorry, no pic. I have two worries, the first typical and the second EXTREME:


1. Extent of Future Loss: now I know this is completelly unpredictable and I, in NO way, am looking to have the hairline of an 18 year old. That being said, what if I go through with a ht, and by the time Im 50 I end up becoming a NW7. No one knows if this will or will not happen, but if it does I could end up with a moat of skin wrapping around my head between the top (transplanted hair) and bottom sides; or I might even lose some of the transplanted hair as well.

2. EXTREME WORRY: I recently read a postin on this forum, that stated (although very rare) sometimes ht dont take. That is to say that the transplanted hair NEVER grows in. Has anyone heard of a coalition doctor recommended on this forum EVER having a patient whose ht didn't take? To me, this sounds nuts, but I had to ask as I just read about it on the forum yesterday. Thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions. One more thing: no I havent tried any meds yet, but Im considering Rogaine (although seriously doubt it will work) and will probably get on Propecia if I have a ht.


*ONE MORE THOUGHT: does anyone (who is NOT a citizen in Canada) feel somewhat apprehensive about having surgery done in a foreign country? Not that Im looking to sue anyone, but wouldn't you be leaving all of your rights back in your home country?

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  • Senior Member

This is a copy of something I posted earlier. I only got one response and was hoping for more. Anyone have any suggestions / input? Im disapointed that only one person gave input...

I have never had a ht, but Ive been researching them off and on for the past seven years now. I just recently found this forum and have found it to be the most infromational and trustworthy source of knowledge. After researching this forum and chatting with many posters, Im considering going to H&W for a consultation. Yet, I still have a couple points of concern which it seems there are no hard definite answers for; but I would still apreciate your thoughts on. First off, Im 28. My hair loss has been slow and steady begining with a mild "widows peak" when I was about 21. Slowly, but surely the widows peak has extended back in a typical 'v' shape (with hair still in the front middle and thinning on top). Sorry, no pic. I have two worries, the first typical and the second EXTREME:


1. Extent of Future Loss: now I know this is completelly unpredictable and I, in NO way, am looking to have the hairline of an 18 year old. That being said, what if I go through with a ht, and by the time Im 50 I end up becoming a NW7. No one knows if this will or will not happen, but if it does I could end up with a moat of skin wrapping around my head between the top (transplanted hair) and bottom sides; or I might even lose some of the transplanted hair as well.

2. EXTREME WORRY: I recently read a postin on this forum, that stated (although very rare) sometimes ht dont take. That is to say that the transplanted hair NEVER grows in. Has anyone heard of a coalition doctor recommended on this forum EVER having a patient whose ht didn't take? To me, this sounds nuts, but I had to ask as I just read about it on the forum yesterday. Thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions. One more thing: no I havent tried any meds yet, but Im considering Rogaine (although seriously doubt it will work) and will probably get on Propecia if I have a ht.


*ONE MORE THOUGHT: does anyone (who is NOT a citizen in Canada) feel somewhat apprehensive about having surgery done in a foreign country? Not that Im looking to sue anyone, but wouldn't you be leaving all of your rights back in your home country?

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  • Regular Member
1. Extent of Future Loss: now I know this is completelly unpredictable and I, in NO way, am looking to have the hairline of an 18 year old. That being said, what if I go through with a ht, and by the time Im 50 I end up becoming a NW7. No one knows if this will or will not happen, but if it does I could end up with a moat of skin wrapping around my head between the top (transplanted hair) and bottom sides; or I might even lose some of the transplanted hair as well.


I believe this is one of the main reasons HT docs recommend that you get on Propecia immediately prior to HT. Propecia is pretty effective at curtailing hair loss from the back third of the head (i.e., in front of the crown back). Since most people have enough donor hair to support multiple transplants, if the hair loss continues you can have a 2nd or 3rd transplant as you age. If done right, I believe the hair loss can still look somewhat natural (albeit different) even if hair loss progresses towards the crown.



2. EXTREME WORRY: I recently read a postin on this forum, that stated (although very rare) sometimes ht dont take. That is to say that the transplanted hair NEVER grows in. Has anyone heard of a coalition doctor recommended on this forum EVER having a patient whose ht didn't take? To me, this sounds nuts, but I had to ask as I just read about it on the forum yesterday. Thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions. One more thing: no I havent tried any meds yet, but Im considering Rogaine (although seriously doubt it will work) and will probably get on Propecia if I have a ht.


My HT surgeon said that he normally has a 90%+ success rate on grafts. I haven't had a problem with mine. I'm sure there is the unique case where a patient has some medical issues that would cause a less than optimal result but I would find it difficult to believe that a surgeon who takes the necessary methodology and process during a HT wouldn't have a very high success rate. I think if you go with a reputable surgeon than your probability of a failure is almost negligible.


*ONE MORE THOUGHT: does anyone (who is NOT a citizen in Canada) feel somewhat apprehensive about having surgery done in a foreign country? Not that Im looking to sue anyone, but wouldn't you be leaving all of your rights back in your home country?


I'm a citizen of US. I wouldn't feel too apprehensive going to Canada for a HT. I would, however, feel apprehensive going to India.

My Hair Loss Weblog


1st HT with Dr. Jeffrey Epstein 2,599 Grafts

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SinTPA gave you some excellent information.


I'll add my two cents as well...


1. Because the extent of future loss is unpredictable, it is best to keep some donor hair in reserves for this very concern. If the donor hair is not used wisely and you end up an eventual NW7 then yes, you may end up with a "moat of scalp" which of course wouldn't look natural. Generally speaking however, even though hair loss is unpredictable, hair loss patterns can be predicted at later ages because they are more well establishes as opposed to an 18 year old who just started losing his hair. At 28 - your balding pattern may or may not be evident yet. Keep in mind however, that a PREDICTION is not a DEFINITIVE.



2. Yes, there have been some negative reports about various hair transplant doctors where patients have received low yield. Unfortunately, there have even been a few doctors on our coalition that produced poor results and have thus been removed.


This is why physician selection is vital to ensuring a successful hair transplant. Though I have faith in the coalition, make sure the doctor you select has a proven track record of consistent and positive results that can be found publicly. Also make sure you are viewing recent patient experiences and before/progress/after pictures.


I hope this helps.



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SinTPA: thanks. That was a very well thought and even better spoken reply. Before I did research on this forum I wasn't too concerned about the possible side effects of Propecia, as the drug company reports less than 1% of its users (I believe) experience any side effects and they claim they are reversible if one discontinues use. But after researching on this forum it appears that those who experience side effects are much greater than 1% AND it appears that some people still experience side effects after discontinuing use.


Bill: is this true!?!?!? Can the side effects be permanent in some individuals? Resulting in impotence, PERMANENTLY? As far as selecting a great surgeon goes, Im sure you would reccomend Hassan or Wong as you went there yourself, correct?


Thank you for the input and I would appreciate your thoughts on the above.

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From what I've read on Propecia's website, from the small percentage of people who experience side effects, the side effects have gone away after a few months stopping the medication.


Regarding physician selection....there are many great ones out there. Hasson and Wong are certainly among them. But it is up to you to do your own research in determining who you like the best. Choosing between the best of hair transplant physicians (like the Coalition doctors) is like choosing between two quality pieces of art for your home. Both pieces of art may be great - but ultimately you will select one that you like best for your own subjective reasons.


Best wishes,



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thanks. As far as propecia is concerned: their website is one thing, but have you encountered anyone on this forum (or anywhere else for that matter) who claimed that the side effects were not temporary and continued after taking propecia? I also wonder how does anyone know exactly how effective the drug really is. In my case, for example, my hair loss has been SO slow and gradual, that even if I was taking propecia for the past 5-7 years I wouldn't know if it was actually effective.


As far as choosing a great doc goes: yes I see your point. There are different theories, philosophies, and ranges on the spectrum as far as aggresive approaches goes. So this does leave much room for interpretation to the individual as far as selecting the best surgeon for oneself. I dont want to press you for your "favorite" of the three surgeons you have experience with since this is so broadcasted. I am considering H&W as I have not found ONE unhappy patient from this forum. They have had the MOST fantastic results I have found online, but I just feel somewhat strange going to Canada for any cosmetic surgery. I live in Southern California (the plastic surgery mecca of the world) and it just seems somewhat odd that the best results I have found are not only outside of So Cal, but are outside of the country. In the end, i will choose the BEST surgeon regardless of local or price as this is going to be permanently attached to my head. Any thoughts on the above?

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There are a small number of guys in the hair loss community who have reported permanent sexual problems from Finasteride. IMHO it is not a common thing at all, but it has happened before.




The percentage of Fin users who are getting sexual side effects has been the topic of so many discussions all over the MPB world . . . just start searching the subject and you'll get a deluge of talk.


There is a WIDESPREAD feeling in the MPB world that the 1-2% statistic is totally understating the size of this problem. The studies that produced the 1-2% figure didn't include any results from those who withdrew from the trials for "undisclosed reasons." There's nothing especially unusual about that practice in theory. But in this particular case, one could suppose that the "undisclosed reasons" category might include a lot of guys who were embarrassed to admit that the Fin was causing sexual problems.



I agree with those who think Fin's sexual sides are under-reported. I might guess that the real sexual side effects percentage is 10-20%. Could be more.




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Just wait until something better than Fin/Dut comes along.


When that finally happens, let's see how many people are remarking about being glad there's finally a hair loss treatment w/o any sexual sides. I'll bet the number of times that issue is commented upon will be WAY over 1-2% of the current & former Fin users.




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