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My hair now


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Guest wanthairs

software......You look like me...


You need alot of work. Start doing scalp excersises and go to "Hasson + Wong" in Vancouver for a large session....Expect to have to do at least two sessions and maybe more to gte where you want to be....


Good luck, you will look rapidly different....

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Are you currently taking Propecia to stabalize your hair loss? You will need to have very realistic goals; Also, I would go to a doc that could do a large session, providing you have the donor, laxity etc.; I would focus on the frontal third to frame your face with a very conservative hairline. If you could get 4000 grafts in the frontal third that would frame your face, then you could focus on the crown later depending on your donor; it appears from the pictures that you have a lot of area to cover so you will not have enough donor to cover the entire area; you may need to leave the crown alone or go with less density; definitely go to a coalition doc; they will be ethical with you and let you know if you are a good candidate and if your goals can be achived; do not go to a hair mill that does a small session of less than 2000 grafts because that will not make much of a cosmetic differance for you.

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