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where should I go dr. feller or dr. Alexander

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buffalo soldier,

definitely Feller and definitely FUE and thank me later icon_wink.gif



wow thanks for all that!!! icon_smile.gif

and i only wish if B spot could follow in your foot steps regarding his FUE collection (to some degree of course).

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Hey GQ-- yeah, I will certainly be extremely happy to show off our FUE work, once it grows in of course!


Obviously Dr. Feller has a 5-6 year head start on us, so its going to be tough to compare our body of work to his.


Anyway, I think Buffalo Soldier should do only FUE at 28 and needing only hairline work, should choose Dr. Feller.


Dr. Alexander does fine work as well, but as far as I know does not do FUE, which would remove him from consideration.


Both Doctors do excellent strip work, so it would just be a matter of who B.S. likes best.


With B.S.'s level of loss, FUE is the best remedy after simply buzzing it down/using concealers.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I'm going to disagree with those who suggest you should definitely go the FUE route. You are young and are receding quite a bit. Since nobody can predict the future, the danger of progressive and aggressive hair loss and recession is quite possibe. Thus, I agree with those who suggested you considering getting on Propecia and Rogaine immediately.


Unless you are highly concerned about the linear scar that strip surgery creates, I think you may be a better candidate for strip for a few reasons.


1) It's most likely less expensive

2) You have a better chance of getting the immediate results you want in a single procedure

3) It's easier to plan for the future with strip than it is with FUE since typically (depending on the patient's donor density and elasticity) more can be harvested via strip than FUE. In the event you experience a lot of hair loss in the future, you may inevitably have to go the strip route anyway after you're tapped out of donor via FUE.

4) More patients are candidates for strip than FUE

5) Hair growth yield is typically (but not always) more consistent (further explanation on the thread below).


For an interesting discussion on Strip verses FUE and total yield, visit discussion thread "Does getting FUE done first lessen total yield?.


Ultimately, I encourage you to research and understand the benefits, limitations, and potential risks of both procedures before deciding on one over the other.


All the Best,



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  • Regular Member

thank you all.


Bill, I'm thinking the same way because I see some thin hair in the crown. about the meds, I'm not go back to Propecia never ever ever again but I'm using Rogaine for about three months. could you please tell me from your experience who is the best for my case.

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