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Transplant or Shaving!

Guest Baldie3000

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Guest Baldie3000

Hello friends!


So I am undecided. I have done a lot of reading about hair transplant surgery and it seems that some docs administer great results on a regular basis. On the other hand, I am concerned when I see patient's with bad experiences and then I go ahead and find a blog like this: http://hairtransplantcons.blogspot.com/2008/03/pre-ihticolebridgesmwamba.html which contains some REALLY SCARY stuff!


So the question is, what do you think...should I just shave my head and get it over with and stop worrying about my hair?


I typically wear my hair kind of short but it will be a big switch to shave my head completely. I don't know if I have the noggin for it anyway especially now that I've gained some weight and have an even rounder head than normal. I don't want to be known as "fat head" or something. icon_redface.gif


Any advice?


Thanks friends!



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Guest Baldie3000

Hello friends!


So I am undecided. I have done a lot of reading about hair transplant surgery and it seems that some docs administer great results on a regular basis. On the other hand, I am concerned when I see patient's with bad experiences and then I go ahead and find a blog like this: http://hairtransplantcons.blogspot.com/2008/03/pre-ihticolebridgesmwamba.html which contains some REALLY SCARY stuff!


So the question is, what do you think...should I just shave my head and get it over with and stop worrying about my hair?


I typically wear my hair kind of short but it will be a big switch to shave my head completely. I don't know if I have the noggin for it anyway especially now that I've gained some weight and have an even rounder head than normal. I don't want to be known as "fat head" or something. icon_redface.gif


Any advice?


Thanks friends!



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  • Senior Member

i guess you should do what you feel is in your best interests. If money is an issue and you could be happy living with a shaved head then i would say shave your head and start taking finasteride if your not already. I would say atleast try shaving your head and see if you can live with it.


That article hardly worries me. The guy who wrote it may have been duped by an unethical surgeon who claimed to be a wonderful surgeon. Whats with the color change? Was this guy writing an article or trying to make art? Seems like a fraudulent article. Also, nobody pays 128,000 for a hair transplant, i dont care how many grafts your getting.

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Your call Baldie


There are some very good doctors out there so I don't think using the reasoning that you will get a "bad" doc should be a concern if you do your homework.. Shaving you head is an option which many people do .. For me , I didn't want that options..


Ask yourself? with it bother you inside if you are bald ?



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Hatrick....maybe you should spend some time reading the blog first before you pass judgements.


Also, simple math gets you to 120,000 dollars.


12,000 grafts x $10 per graft and there you have it....At the time this went down, thats how much Dr.s were or still are charging for an expirement of sorts.


To the TS, don't trip out to much on that, because if you go the normal route with a good DR, this should not happen.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Baldie,


I agree with Hatrick with regards to your options. Try it out. One thing about shaving is you can stop if it doesn't look good. That being the case try it out to see if you like it or get used to it. If you really like it you'll save yourself some money and time. If not, then you can seriously look into a transplant.


If so, just be sure to do plenty of research on the docs, and what you should expect. Spend time reviewing pics of other folks with similar loss/hair characteristics as you in order to have a better understanding of what you may look like and the results you should expect.


Make sure you make informed decisions.


2400 Grafts with Dr. Epstein 11/8/06

Nizoral 3X/week

Rogaine foam 2x/day

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Everyone has given you some excellent advice.


And as they stated, this is a choice that you will clearly have to make.


The blog you sited above does contain some interesting information. What is true and what isn't, it's hard to tell.


That said, there are a number of physicians that truly perform state of the art work and stand behind their patients no matter what. This does not discount the risks that you should be aware of when proceeding with surgery. Be sure to educate yourself on these too and then make a decision based on education and research and not emotion and gut instinct.


Best wishes,



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Guest Baldie3000

Wow so many replies since yesterday. Thanks gentlemen icon_smile.gif


I'd prefer to get my hair back but may temporarily settle for shaving my head. I haven't decided yet.


I've been talking to a fellow Iowan on hair loss help and he had surgery with Dr. Armani and looks great.


I've heard some mixed reviews about him and know that he only does fue, well now anyhow.


What do you all think of him? I'm considering sending Shane an email for more information. I'm also still considering Dr. Shapiro since he seems to be the closest doctor who does great work near me.


But right now I'm upset because something is wrong with my account at hair loss help and I don't know what happened. I posted the same thing there, here, and on the PB forum but my message was removed there and I can no longer log in icon_frown.gif. I didn't mean to offend anyone there, if I did, I am sorry. I'd at least like to be able to find out how to get a hold of Pats since he was so helpful to me!



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Be very careful my friend. If you do a quick search on this site on Dr. Armani you will get an idea of his philosophy and approach to hair transplantation which is very different from the coalition doctors here.


From what I understand he is very agressive in his hair placement up front and there are very big risks to that. Again we don't know for sure what your degree of loss is without pics/norwood scale/your age but make sure you do your research as Dr. Armani and Dr. Shapiro are 2 very different doctors at opposite ends of the spectrum.


Also spend some time researching what FUE is so that again you are clear on this option. All this info can be found on this site via the search option.


2400 Grafts with Dr. Epstein 11/8/06

Nizoral 3X/week

Rogaine foam 2x/day

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