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New to Forum with questions

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Hi Everyone,


This is a great website. I've learned a lot by simply reading your posts. Anyway, I have what you might consider to be a couple of stupid questions.


I've looked at the Norwood scale, and I would guess I have a mature hairline (my hairline is about a finger width from the top crease in my brow, etc.). Anyway, I thought I was doing okay, I mean, I will be 32 in two weeks, but lately I have noticed thinning and greying at the corners of my hairline. Recently, somebody pointed out a bald spot, not excessively large, either on my vertex or somewhere near it. I've attached pictures, not great pictures (I'm an accountant and very cheap), but I'm wondering if Rogaine Foam might help, or at least prevent or slow this process down in the vertex and in the corners of my hairline?


I guess I have a couple of questions about Rogaine. I have read horror stories about Propecia, and one story told of a man on anti-depressants actually going bald from using the two in combination. If that story is true, and I can't verify that, would rogaine also interact with anti-depressants? I only ask because, well, I take them for obsessive compulsive disorder.


Also, I have read on this board, that rogaine foam has made some peoples' hair worse. Is this information true? Again, I apologize if these questions are stupid.


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Hi Everyone,


This is a great website. I've learned a lot by simply reading your posts. Anyway, I have what you might consider to be a couple of stupid questions.


I've looked at the Norwood scale, and I would guess I have a mature hairline (my hairline is about a finger width from the top crease in my brow, etc.). Anyway, I thought I was doing okay, I mean, I will be 32 in two weeks, but lately I have noticed thinning and greying at the corners of my hairline. Recently, somebody pointed out a bald spot, not excessively large, either on my vertex or somewhere near it. I've attached pictures, not great pictures (I'm an accountant and very cheap), but I'm wondering if Rogaine Foam might help, or at least prevent or slow this process down in the vertex and in the corners of my hairline?


I guess I have a couple of questions about Rogaine. I have read horror stories about Propecia, and one story told of a man on anti-depressants actually going bald from using the two in combination. If that story is true, and I can't verify that, would rogaine also interact with anti-depressants? I only ask because, well, I take them for obsessive compulsive disorder.


Also, I have read on this board, that rogaine foam has made some peoples' hair worse. Is this information true? Again, I apologize if these questions are stupid.

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Welcome to our community.


Unfortunately, I can't tell you whether or not there is any validity to that story - I've never heard it and don't know any of the details.


Propecia and Rogaine (the two FDA approved medications for hair loss) are the best line of defense anyone would have against future hair loss.


Side effects are possible with Propecia which can be found on Propecia's website. Be sure to read and become familiar with the possible benefits, limitations, and risks of taking it. I have never heard of Propecia interacting with anti-depressants, but this question is best answered by a doctor.


Both Propecia and Rogaine may cause initial hair shedding for the first 3 months which is a sign of the medication stopping. This may be what you have heard - about Rogaine making hair worse. Those who prematurely stop may have never regrown the shed hair due to the fact that the weak hair was already on its way out anyway. Continual use of the medication however had a good chance of strengthening and growing these hairs.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

Dude your bald spot? is probably the smallest one ever. So dont stress to much over it.



I am also currently taking antidepressants for a Post traumatic stress disorder.


I am only taking a very very small amount of the drug and may cease taking it very soon.


I have only taken it for a few months, and i have noticed excellerated hair loss. Did you find any additional hair loss as a result of your medication?



I am looking at taking propecia, so if you hear anything about mixing this drug with anti depressants could you please let me know?


Does anyone else have any information on this topic?



I am thinking of getting a transplant without taking propecia, to avoid mixing that drug with the anti depressant medication -

I know alot of you advocate taking propecia prior to a HT,

but How dramatic can shock loss be - worse case scenario?

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I know you often talk about shedding with rogaine and propecia, How dramatic can shedding be?


What is the average? Is it ever full on, chemothearapy style balding?


and with regard to shockloss? how dramatic can that be?


Is there any pictures on here? demonstrating shockloss or sheddding from meds? No one seems to give any estimates or quantifies the signficance of these events.

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Bill, Guy, thanks for the information. I bought some Rogaine foam, but after reading posts here and at the hairloss board, I'm concerned about the side-effects not listed on the packaging. I read at the hairloss board that facial swelling could occur and that these sheds are terrible and keep repeating themselves. Does anyone have any luck with these products? Facial swelling doesn't necessarily seem like a good trade to me...


Guy - I've read that anti-depressants can cause hair loss; I believe I read this in a prozac brochure, but it didn't specify where the loss could occur (not that helpful). I don't know if that's what caused my bald spot, but I haven't noticed hair loss anywhere else. I've been looking for more information about the topic, but I can't seem to find anything. If I do, I will let you know.

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