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Off topics should be posted in the Off Topics forum

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There was a topic that was entitled "Dr. Review for Dr. Feller". However, the subject of this topic ended up transforming into a discussion about 911.


In my experience hair is political and hairy enough without mixing in politics. But we do have an "off topics" forum at the bottom of this forum.


I suggest those who would like to discuss off topic subjects ranging from alien technology (other than hair replication) to who shot JFK use that forum.


I tried to move and edit the forum "Dr. Review for Dr. Feller" but when I went to delete the first post in the topic it ended up deleting the entire topic and everyone's posts. I'm sorry for the loss of everyone's contributions to this topic. Rest assured that I was not contacted by a government agent and coerced into doing this.


All the best, Pat


Tom Thomas, please feel free to repost your original question less the politics on this forum. Again, sorry for the loss of everyone's posts.

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  • Administrators

There was a topic that was entitled "Dr. Review for Dr. Feller". However, the subject of this topic ended up transforming into a discussion about 911.


In my experience hair is political and hairy enough without mixing in politics. But we do have an "off topics" forum at the bottom of this forum.


I suggest those who would like to discuss off topic subjects ranging from alien technology (other than hair replication) to who shot JFK use that forum.


I tried to move and edit the forum "Dr. Review for Dr. Feller" but when I went to delete the first post in the topic it ended up deleting the entire topic and everyone's posts. I'm sorry for the loss of everyone's contributions to this topic. Rest assured that I was not contacted by a government agent and coerced into doing this.


All the best, Pat


Tom Thomas, please feel free to repost your original question less the politics on this forum. Again, sorry for the loss of everyone's posts.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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