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Sport after FUE

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I see a few forums about sport and exercise after HT but they seem to be mainly people talking about strip.

My question is does anyone know how long you should wait before doing full contact sport after FUE? In the sport I play it is a requirement to wear a protective helmet and it is very physical. Games are weekly come the summer and thats when i am thinkin of gettin a HT. I dont want to miss too many games. Anyone got an opinion?

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  • Senior Member



Strip patients are usually advised against engaging in contact sports for the first few months to avoid potentially aggravating or stretching the donor scar, while FUE candidates may have the option of resuming heavier activity sooner.


That being said, you certainly don't want to push your cardiovascular system too hard during the initial healing period (arguably the first 7-10 days to be safe), or expose the recipient site to any intense physical trauma that might realign the hair shafts. You'll want to initially protect your scalp from direct sunlight for prolonged periods, but a heavy, potentially grating helmet shouldn't come into contact with the transplanted hairs before the site has healed.


This is definitely a subject you should broach with your doctor prior to FUE surgery if you intend on returning to physical competition soon after the procedure.




Anthony (youngsuccess)



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Waiting 2 weeks after your procedure should be sufficient. After that amount of time it would be difficult to cause any harm to the grafts which will be comletely healed as well as the donor area. The helmet will also give you additional protection. Don't give up the sports. It is what keeps us young.

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  • Regular Member

thanks youngsuccess and Dr Glenn.

really appreciate your feedback.

I have a window of 2-3 weeks where i may miss no games. it would mean I would probably have a game on the 3rd week. if i go ahead with the HT hopefully I could get lucky and get to the 4th week without playing.


I would appreciate more info from anuone else that reads this discussion.



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  • Regular Member

Hi spex thanks for your opinion. Ive seen your results and they are very impressive.


Just another question but it seems very important. I would hope to begin playing and training about 3-4 weeks after the HT. But as it is the summer my head would be exposed to the sun for periods of an hour to 2 hours when playing/training. Even if I wore the head gear there are gaps in it that the sun could get through. Is a HT for active people out of the question for the summer months?

Also I was hoping to go on a sun holiday in august, this would be a little over 2 months after when I hope to have a HT. this would mean drinking and being out in the sun for very long periods too. icon_biggrin.gif Any opinions?


Thanks again for your replies.

I am stil trying to get on proscar as the pharmacies I tried here in Ireland are quoting me ridiculous prices and QHI wont accept my visa card icon_mad.gif

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  • 2 years later...
  • Regular Member

Hello sorry to resurrect an old post but my question is kinda similar to this. Obviously different sports will require a different amount of recovery time. Just wondering if anyone who plays football (soccer for you yanks) has headed the ball after a HT. I have this fear that it will hurt like hell, I did head it once shortly after my HT I was out messing about with friends and just let the ball bounce off my forehead. It hurt bad and felt like hairs were being pushed in and my head was really sensitive. Since that I haven’t headed the ball and as you can guess it really affects my game. How long before you felt confident to head a ball again.

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