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Convincing Doc about Proscar


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  • Regular Member

Hi guys. I need to see my doc in a few weeks to continue my prescription for Propecia. I wanted to use that time to ask him about getting on Proscar. Anyone have any advice for me so that I can convince him to switch me over?


Here's what I know so far....

- It's the same drug, just larger dosage per pill

- Cut each pill into 4th's, giving you 1.25mg

- Will cost half as much as Propecia over a years time


Anything else I left out? Thanks for any input. icon_smile.gif

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys. I need to see my doc in a few weeks to continue my prescription for Propecia. I wanted to use that time to ask him about getting on Proscar. Anyone have any advice for me so that I can convince him to switch me over?


Here's what I know so far....

- It's the same drug, just larger dosage per pill

- Cut each pill into 4th's, giving you 1.25mg

- Will cost half as much as Propecia over a years time


Anything else I left out? Thanks for any input. icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member

If it is a financial problem for you to continue using Propecia, mention that to your doctor.


Anyway, that is really the only reason to switch.


By the way. I think you are doing the right thing by going through your physician for this.


Your doctor will probably prefer to see you stay on Finasteride via Proscar under his care and from a legitimate source, rather than buy it off the internet, or have to completely quit taking the drug due to financial hardship.


Good luck.

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  • Senior Member

And last nite we talked about hairloss. He knew proscar because he has some patients that also use it to treat their hairloss. I asked him if you cuts the proscars into 1/4 ? Nope, he just takes a whole package of proscar and crushes them to create excact 1mg tablets. 1mg is exaclty what propecia is at 1/4 of the price.

Over here propecia sells at 250 euro for 90 days !


I will try to take a pic of his 1 mg 'proscar' pills.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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Well, at my last physical I told my Doc I was taking proscar and quartering it. His reaction? "What a great idea! I think I'll start prescribing it that way for some of my patients who can't afford Propecia." I don't think it should be that difficult of a sell. My physcian is tops (MD, Ph.D. Immunology) and on staff at one of the top hospitals in the US. He thought it was a great idea. So...


Good luck.


My Surgery With Dr. Sharon Keene

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Convincing the doc was no problem at all. icon_smile.gif Gave him the info, told him how I would be cutting it up, he looked up Proscar in his medical book to be sure, and that was that.


However, he gave me a 1 month supply (30 pills). This will last me 4 months, or 120 days. I thought Proscar came in a larger amount, like 100 pills. Am I mistaken? I think I overheard the pharmicist talking to another customer and said "I can only give you a 30 day supply). Perhaps there's a law here in NY to control that sort of thing.


Anywho, I paid around $90 for the 30 pills. How does that price compare with what you guys pay?

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