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Help!! I need some advice.....

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I've found trying to find a solution for my premature baldness to be a traumatic and demoralizing experience. The amount of claimed professional's and quick fix miracle cures I've endured in the past, has left me confused and significantly out of pocket.

I'm currently on Propecia 1mg and finally noticing benefits, although the pricey monthly cost does not allow me to be on it on a regular/consistent basis. Does anyone please know of a cheaper quality alternative? Is generic product's a option?


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I've found trying to find a solution for my premature baldness to be a traumatic and demoralizing experience. The amount of claimed professional's and quick fix miracle cures I've endured in the past, has left me confused and significantly out of pocket.

I'm currently on Propecia 1mg and finally noticing benefits, although the pricey monthly cost does not allow me to be on it on a regular/consistent basis. Does anyone please know of a cheaper quality alternative? Is generic product's a option?


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  • Senior Member

Welcome to the forum Ashley,

Yes, I understand generic Propecia is now available but the cheapest alternative is to get generic Proscar and to cut it into quarters. I take 1/4 Proscar a day and it does not get any cheaper that this. Stay on the forum, read, research , learn, ask questions, we are here to help each other. When you are ready, give us your stats; age, pictures of your hair and you'll get plenty of expert unbiased advice.

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  • Senior Member

Yes, go with Proscar, the generic variety. I purchase 30 pills for $78 at our local Walmart pharmacy. Taken daily, that supply will last you 4 months. I take it every other day so it lasts me 8 months.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I read your post and think of myself many years back...trying every miracle cure that I could only to continue losing more hair in the process. Then I took my time and spent time researching, found this wonderful place, found a lot of good information by senior veterans before me, and still continue to learn.


What HK500 and hairbank says above is correct. You will need a prescription for it, but Proscar or the generic version but in 1/4 tablet is the same as Propecia and much more cost effective. If you have medical coverage also, you might just get lucky and it will be covered. I just bought 30 pills with a copay of $10 and that will last 4 months.



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