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What to do????

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This is the link to my Photo album My Ablum

Plz gudie me what to do whether should i go for HT?Or there are any other alternatives. Guys plz provide your valuable suggestions.And do tell me HT options in India as i won't be able to bear the exp of Ht outside india.As my hairline is ok,Am lossing hair from crown area and rst of area the hair are getting thin day by day and by head skin is clearly visible.Plz advice ASAP icon_confused.gif

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  • Regular Member

This is the link to my Photo album My Ablum

Plz gudie me what to do whether should i go for HT?Or there are any other alternatives. Guys plz provide your valuable suggestions.And do tell me HT options in India as i won't be able to bear the exp of Ht outside india.As my hairline is ok,Am lossing hair from crown area and rst of area the hair are getting thin day by day and by head skin is clearly visible.Plz advice ASAP icon_confused.gif

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Hello Tan Gill and welcome to the forums,


Hopefully I and my fellow comrades can offer you some help. Just like you, there are many people here who are either losing their hair or have lost the majority of their hair. Nobody likes it...but you've come to the right place.


If you could share a little bit about your background, that would be helpful to those advising you:


1. How old are you?

2. Are you on any medication right now for hair loss? If so, has it stopped or slowed down your loss?

3. When did you start losing your hair?

4. What is your family hair loss history? Mom's side? Dad's side?


These are just some starter questions for us to help guide you.


Some general advice for you: First, get your hairloss under control if possible. Here are the two medications that can help you:


1. Get on Propecia right away if you aren't already. It's a one a day prescription pill that will cost you approximately $65 per month (American money...I don't know how much in India).


2. you might also want to try Minoxodil...Mark H on this forum swears by the foam...supposedly doesn't irritate your scalp like the regular liquid. Depending on where you get that it could be about $10 per bottle to $30.


With any medication, there are potential side effects. Do a search on www.google.com and this forum for Propecia and Minoxodil and read read read! It's important to know what you are getting into before you do it.


Additional Tips:


1. Do NOT fall into gimic traps! There are a lot of outfits out there saying how they will regrow hair. I tried a lot of gimics for about 5 years and just lost a lot of ground. If i knew then what I know today, i would have been on Propecia from the start.


2. After you have been on Propecia about a year, re-evaluate your situation.


I wouldn't consider an HT at this point until you've been on the medication awhile. You might be able to restore some hair with the above medications, but if not, hopefully stop further loss. If you are successful in stopping further loss, consider an HT to thicken up your hair. If not, you should wait to see how much hair you lose and then consider an HT after your hairloss slows down. I know people don't like to hear this...but getting an HT now could lead to further devastation later. We have a finite number of donor hairs and once used up, that's it.


Feel free to ask any questions or post additional comments. At the very least, you've found a group of people who can educate and support you.



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I will only humbly try to augment what Bill has provided.


You have loss on top of your head, but you may be more concerned about your hairline. Minox and Propicia may not do anything for that...although it has been known to.


It may well help your other baldness up top though.


As for an HT, even if all the stars align themselves as far as your age and donor hair, India isn't the place to get it. At least, there is nobody on this forum who could tell you who might be good there. There might be some doctors there that could do an adequate job if you're willing to settle based on location, but frankly I don't think anyone here knows who it would be.


There is apparently a pretty decent doctor in Thailand if your wallet will stretch to that.

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  • Regular Member

Thanx Bill,It's a sort of treasure island for a guy like me, i got to know so much about hair i didn't even dreamed off i will get to know one day.

I am 26 Years old,Had not taken any medication for it before,i started lossing hair at the age of 20.My family has hai loss history both mom and dad side.I will be starting with Propecia and Minoxodil right away.Plz go thru my pics and advice what to do???

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Tan Gill,


Mark H has given you some good advice too. I have looked at your photos and my advice remains the same as above. Get on the medication first....give it some time and see what happens. If you are going to consider an HT...wait for awhile...but start saving your money now. Mark H makes a great point...you will most likely have to travel far for a good quality HT doc. People don't want to hear that either...so I don't blame your reluctancy...but if you go somewhere local you may regret it for the rest of your life.



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Hi TanGill,


See below which is a quote from my above message:


1. Get on Propecia right away if you aren't already. It's a one a day prescription pill that will cost you approximately $65 per month (American money...I don't know how much in India).


2. you might also want to try Minoxodil...Mark H on this forum swears by the foam...supposedly doesn't irritate your scalp like the regular liquid. Depending on where you get that it could be about $10 per bottle to $30.


Edited for spelling

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Tan Gill:

Plz through some light on medication schedule.

What quantity and which brand is better ,,mean to say plz tell what all different type of medicine should go for????????????????


Dr. Reddy's has recently released a generic Proscar. That is probably your best bet instead of trying to chase down Propecia. Use a pill cutter to split the pill into quarters and take a quarter a day.


Please don't take what I'm telling you as medical advice. Consult a physician to get this medication.


Also look into starting a regimen of 5% minoxidil (Rogaine) applied twice daily to your crown area.


Use that for a year (at the LEAST) before seriously considering a hair transplant. If you are diligent (keyword being diligent), you will likely see some good results.


Good luck!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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