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Need a little help guys with my hair stabilization regimine...


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Hey everyone, I'm trying to put together a steady routine to stop my hair loss, and hey, I know it's wishful thinking, but to even regrow some hair( especially in the vertex) as well. Right now I'm on Electrotrichogenesis( 2 years), Proscar ( 1 month), and use Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. The Electrotrichogenesis may have slowed down my hair loss, but to be honest with you I'm not even sure at that. Although I want to probably stay on it for fear that it has done something and I'd lose what it has done. I'm basically looking for a regimine that will give me PROVEN results, as little side effects as possible, and won't completely disrupt my life( I don't want to be one of those guys who has to apply this 3 times a day, take this twice and comb with this... I think you get the point). So if any of you experienced hair lossers have the answers to my riddle, I'd greatly appreciate the help.





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Hey everyone, I'm trying to put together a steady routine to stop my hair loss, and hey, I know it's wishful thinking, but to even regrow some hair( especially in the vertex) as well. Right now I'm on Electrotrichogenesis( 2 years), Proscar ( 1 month), and use Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. The Electrotrichogenesis may have slowed down my hair loss, but to be honest with you I'm not even sure at that. Although I want to probably stay on it for fear that it has done something and I'd lose what it has done. I'm basically looking for a regimine that will give me PROVEN results, as little side effects as possible, and won't completely disrupt my life( I don't want to be one of those guys who has to apply this 3 times a day, take this twice and comb with this... I think you get the point). So if any of you experienced hair lossers have the answers to my riddle, I'd greatly appreciate the help.





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  • Senior Member

Proscar is the only thing you're using that is effective, in my opinion.


If you have any information on Electrotrichogenesis being effective, can you please post it? Any studies or scientific evidence...?

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Thanks for the reply arfy. To be honest with you, I am quite sketchy as far as this ETG thing. Been on it for 2 years and nothing. Well, atleast not really. I've seen before and afters, and they are truly amazing and they boast some pretty amazing percentages, but it has definitely been a shitty deal for me. It just pisses me off, because when I started ETG, my hairline was PERFECT, and it was only my crown that I had a problem with. But it was very minor. Now, I'm fairly thin in the crown approaching a 3 vertex, my hairline has gone back only a little bit but is now noticeably thinner. I'm basically wishing, "If only I had as much hair as I did when I was only starting to thin". I bet that if I had taken Propecia instead of ETG 2 years ago, I'd have a hell of allot more hair, and even more money in my pocket. Aaargh! As you can tell I'm really frustrated with how I've been treating my hair loss the past 2 years. That's why I want to take action! Is there anything else out there that anybody can suggest to me that is PROVEN to stop hair loss besides just Propecia and Rogaine? I'm not a big fan of the whole Rogaine process, and feel that applying it teic a day will be too much hassle. I like Propecia cause it's just a pill. So yeah, anything else people have found to work, please reply!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Need a hand guys with this one! Anything else out their besides Propecia and Rogaine that can help me out? Thanks guys!



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  • Regular Member



I think you should take the lack of replies here as a strong indication that Propecia/Proscar and Minoxidyl are the only two things that actually make any difference whatsoever.


All that other stuff, in my opinion, is snake oil. Shampoos and conditioners can make your hair APPEAR thicker, but all that other stuff is sketchy, at best. Just a waste of money, in my opinion.


Anything that legitimately can stop hair loss, or cause regrowth would survive scientific scrutiny. So far, just Propecia/Proscar & Minoxidyl meet that hurdle. Don't be fooled by anything that claims to be "all Natural", as if that alone means it is good for you. Crude oil, coal, and acid are also "all Natural", but I sure as hell wouldn't want to injest any of those, would you?

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