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Hairline Question

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  • Senior Member

hey guys, sorry to be asking so many questions but i was curious, i know i have some minor loss and im waiting to see if i lose anymore to seriously consider a transplant, but once you do have a transplant, can you get your old hairline back?

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  • Senior Member

hey guys, sorry to be asking so many questions but i was curious, i know i have some minor loss and im waiting to see if i lose anymore to seriously consider a transplant, but once you do have a transplant, can you get your old hairline back?

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Unfortunately, this is not a cut and dry answer.


I'll state it this way...YES, you CAN get your old hairline back, however, depending on how much loss you have, it may not be in your best interest to restore your old hairline, especially if it was lower. Those who inevitably lose less hair will have much more flexibility on creating a lower hairline...however, those who end up with extensive loss or the possibility of (younger people should assume the possibility is there), stating with a natural but mature hairline is important.


Hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

The surgeons CAN put your hairline anywhere on your head.


But once they put a hairline on, it's permanently there. (Even if you decide to just shave the hair off later, there will be slight uneven spots & discolorations in the skin where the surgeons had put the hairline on.)


So you cannot get a hairline put on your forehead down low when you're young, and then just "change your mind" and get a higher hairline done later on in life. Not EVER, or else the slight scarring will be showing on your forehead from that first transplanted hairline you changed your mind about. You can get rid of the hairs growing out of the hairline later, but the skin will never look perfect & shiny up close after it's had transplants on it.


And if you insist that your surgeon puts the new hairline on too low, then you might not have enough donor hair to cover all the bald scalp behind it later on in life when the balding gets worse.



So if you don't want little scars from hair transplants showing visibly on your forehead for the rest of your life, then you have to get the new (transplanted) hairline put high enough to be sure you won't run out of donor hair later on.




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  • Senior Member

Hi All


I agree to a point with Calvin however, most top notch Transplants will leave no signs of discoloration or uneven-ness as the hair is placed using natural occuring follicular units. I do not know what skin discolorations he is referring to



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I'm not saying the skin will look terrible or anything, but I'm just trying to explain why nobody wants to get a low hairline in their 20s and then move it higher later on.


From what I've seen about this issue, a good HT surgeon usually does a really good job at minimizing the damage to the skin when he puts in the hairline. But everyone seems to agree that it won't be good enough to actually erase the hairline later without showing a bit.


About the possible "discoloration" I was referring to . . . uneven tanning & skin tones on non-white people are the most common thing mentioned. And of course, scarring is usually a bit lighter than the original skin on everyone no matter what race.


But of course, every case is different so there's no absolutes.




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  • Senior Member

Hairline contruction is generally safe. I tend to think it is safer than treating the crown area. The reason is that you cannot lose hair in front of your transplanted hairline while you can lose hair in and around your crown area.


We need to keep in mine, however, that hairlines cannot be placed just anywhere (unless the patient is absolutely, 100% aware that certain designs may necessitate additional work etc.) One of the reasons for this is that hair loss can occur on the side of the face. So, if the transplanted hairline is built and tied into one's natural hair at the right location, one will not need to worry excessively about hair loss at the temple points etc. If, however, the hairline is aggressively built and tied into transient hairs, a patient may later find that additional procedures are needed to reconstruct the temples and fill in gaps.


Experienced HT docs tend to have an eye for what will work long term. Some candidates can get aggresive, while others really should not.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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