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HT with Bernstein Medical


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I just underwent my HT at Bernstein Medical this past Tuesday morning. I am an advanced Norwood 3V. Based on the recommendations from this site, I initially consulted with Bernstein, Feller, and Dorin back in January. Of the three, Bernstein and his staff came across as the most capable and professional and now that I am two days post-op I am very happy with my ultimate decision. From a roughly six inch strip, I had 1150 hairs implanted in and around my hairline, mostly on the left side where my hair naturally parts (so of course this is the area with the most thinnning, thanks Almighty Creator). No shaving was required; they worked around my existing hair. Dr. Bernstein is extremely professional. He sensed some residual hesitation about the HT from me (it was really me asking addtional questions to manage my expectations) and was clear that if we could not agree on the ultimate result, that he would refund me the total fee and we could simply cancel the procedure. I wonder how many other physicians would do that. Once the drawing was done and the final procedure laid out, I got two valiums (my first ever) and two shots in the arms and then awoke some time later with the strip removed and the staples already in place. Pretty sweet stuff that valium. The incisions were made and the hairs implanted while I watched Sonny Chiba in the Street Fighter's Last Revenge (a 1970s classic I highly recommend).


So far, minimal swelling and my pain and discomfort is being managed by vicodin. The staples are really clean, no crusting that I can see, and just some minimal scabbing in the transpant area. I am super paranoid about knocking any grafts out so every move I make is extremely slow and exaggerated and I won't even touch a comb. Does this fear pass or must I wait until day 10 when the first staples are removed to calm down some?


When can I use a wide tooth comb? How about a hair dryer? When I can I relax a little?

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I just underwent my HT at Bernstein Medical this past Tuesday morning. I am an advanced Norwood 3V. Based on the recommendations from this site, I initially consulted with Bernstein, Feller, and Dorin back in January. Of the three, Bernstein and his staff came across as the most capable and professional and now that I am two days post-op I am very happy with my ultimate decision. From a roughly six inch strip, I had 1150 hairs implanted in and around my hairline, mostly on the left side where my hair naturally parts (so of course this is the area with the most thinnning, thanks Almighty Creator). No shaving was required; they worked around my existing hair. Dr. Bernstein is extremely professional. He sensed some residual hesitation about the HT from me (it was really me asking addtional questions to manage my expectations) and was clear that if we could not agree on the ultimate result, that he would refund me the total fee and we could simply cancel the procedure. I wonder how many other physicians would do that. Once the drawing was done and the final procedure laid out, I got two valiums (my first ever) and two shots in the arms and then awoke some time later with the strip removed and the staples already in place. Pretty sweet stuff that valium. The incisions were made and the hairs implanted while I watched Sonny Chiba in the Street Fighter's Last Revenge (a 1970s classic I highly recommend).


So far, minimal swelling and my pain and discomfort is being managed by vicodin. The staples are really clean, no crusting that I can see, and just some minimal scabbing in the transpant area. I am super paranoid about knocking any grafts out so every move I make is extremely slow and exaggerated and I won't even touch a comb. Does this fear pass or must I wait until day 10 when the first staples are removed to calm down some?


When can I use a wide tooth comb? How about a hair dryer? When I can I relax a little?

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  • Senior Member

Sonny Chiba is a bad-ass!!!!!


Gotta love those street fighter flicks!!!!


Congrats on the surgery as well!!


Don't do anything for a few days and don't even think about using a comb or dryer for a while.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Janus


Really pleased you`ve had a positive experience with dr Bernstein.His results look great.


Are you going to post some pictures.


Thanks for the write up and heal and grow well.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Congratulations on your recent hair transplant surgery. I'm pleased to hear that everything went well.


As others have said, don't use a hair dryer unless for the first few days and then, only on a very low and cool setting for at least 10 days. You can comb your native hair carefully but do not comb the grafts for at least 10 days.


But you can relax starting now....in fact, you should be doing just that, taking it easy and healing.


I hope that you will create a hair loss weblog to share your pictures.


Best wishes,



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