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How short should I buzz it?

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Quick question for you all... I've decided to take the plunge and get my 3rd HT next week. However, since I keep my hair somewhat long, I'm considering buzzing it shorter so that all empty spots will be visible. My doc advised to make sure to keep 1/4 inch in the donor area to cover the stitches. So my question to you is, how short should I buzz it w/out the donor scar being exposed at all? Clipper number etc.


A little advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


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  • Regular Member

Quick question for you all... I've decided to take the plunge and get my 3rd HT next week. However, since I keep my hair somewhat long, I'm considering buzzing it shorter so that all empty spots will be visible. My doc advised to make sure to keep 1/4 inch in the donor area to cover the stitches. So my question to you is, how short should I buzz it w/out the donor scar being exposed at all? Clipper number etc.


A little advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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It's Going Fast,


I believe a quarter inch will be too short to cover the donor scar and sutures/staples. I'd think at least 1/2 inch would do it.


On the other hand, if you are having the recpient area shaved, you will have to wrestle with what I wrestled with.


Do I keep the sides and back long to cover the staples and look like bozo the clown with a shaved recpient area?


Or do I shave the entire head, reveal the scar, but my hair is all uniform.


In my case, I chose to shave my entire head to keep everything uniform.



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Bill: Thanks for the pointers. I just wanted to make all of the bald spots very prominent, that's why I'm considering buzzing it. However, my doctor does not require it - but then again, in previous procedures, he'd have to comb the hair frequently and transplant around it. So you say 1/2 inch is recommendable - what # cut is that? Also, what is the best advice at this point, luckily for me, I've taken a few weeks off post op, so I have room to do different things with my hair. Thanks again.

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It's going Fast,

couldn't help but notice:..."my doctor does not require it, but then again, in previous procedures, he'd have to comb the hair"...

is this the SAME doc you said you were unsure of in this thread:



NEVER got a response from you as to an explanation IF your unsatisfaction with the results were attributed to:

the outcome of that procedure vs. just losing more native hair...

might be important regardless of money vs. free procedure...

ONLY have so much donor hair to go by...

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NG: *sigh*, yes, it's the same Doc. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this time though - I saw some results last time but not as much as I expected. But then again, I realize I was young and that my hairloss was going to continue. According to the DOC, whatever hair I now have on my head, is transplanted and I suppose judging by the pattern of the hair loss, he could be right. I'll give it another shot and if it doesn't work out this time, I guess I'll look into laser scar removal surgery and stick with the shaved head look forever. Wish me luck buddy!

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that's a scary proposition my friend.

slow down.

I've never heard of that doc and can't say either way.


why don't you post some pics/elaborate on that other thread?

this could be your LAST shot to make or break your hair.

why IN THE WORLD would you risk that?...

not saying one way or the other precisely because you haven't elaborated on your situation


I would elaborate, slow down, and take your time to make the most informed decision.

don't play Russian Roulette with your head...

LUCK---is for the ill-prepared.

BE prepared. this is YOUR head...

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Notgoing: Bro, pray for me - I'm pulling the trigger and going through with it. I'm tired of spending my life wearing a cap or using concealers, and frankly speaking, can't afford to pay another doctor at this point. I figured I'd rather play some RR and see if lady luck's on my side or not. I suppose if this doesn't work, there might be a nice bridge out there that I can go jump off of =) (jk) Let's see how it goes... Wednesday's the big day. I plan on buzzing it short on my own on Monday and then letting the Doc do what he does. He's obviously doing something right that he's staying that busy, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


Any other pointers guys?

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Its_Going_Fast:


Any other pointers guys?



Man, it's your head. Don't play Russian Roullette with it! You only have SO much donor hair available; and this will be your THIRD (?) procedure; with the same doc you are unhappy with?


I can sympathize with your want/need to take care of it


quite frankly, it's like the proverbial saying:

The old man who drinks

to forget that he drinks...


Why make the same mistake a THIRD time?

If you can't afford it, then wait it out


take out a line of credit.

This is your LAST shot at fixing your head.

I wouldn't want to "roll" those dice...

that's all I can say...


EDIT--- In all fairness to the doc, you really didn't elaborate that much on your procedure (i.e. pre-op, post-op pics) and seemed somewhat ambigous/uncertain whether to attribute your *weak* results to a poor procedure or just more native hair loss.

That being said, if I were less than satisfied/happy with my results I would go to a different doc.

AND if I come across as EMPHATIC/PASSIONATE it is because there doesn't appear to be a track record for this doc; at least on THIS forum...

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Please consider that your finite donor supply is more valuable than money. Money you can make over time, but once the donor supply is gone, it's gone.


In the event you are dissatisfied with this surgery like you are with the last two, you will quickly run out of donor hair and will not be able to correct it.


Please weigh what is more valuable to you before jumping back into the chair.



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